Online shopping has threatened a waiver of the sales

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online retailers can refuse sales due to the plans of the state Duma to adopt the bill, which regulates the process of holding of such shares in the country. About this newspaper “Izvestia”.

the Association of companies of Internet trade has sent to the Duma a negative opinion on this bill. The document assumes that retail will follow more strict rules.

Traders will have to specify the exact timing of the action and the reasons for its conduct. Stores also want to be required to report the average cost of production over the last six months and to make allowances with it.

the explanatory Memorandum States that the legal regulation in respect of sales is not enough. It is noted that these are dishonest traders. They complain about buyers themselves, particularly during “black Friday” and “cyber Monday”.

IN AKIT said that it will be interference in market pricing that will complicate business processes. Businesses will face additional costs. The initiative could hit small businesses. In AKITA, believe that the law on consumer protection covers the issues addressed in the new document.

Deputy Oleg Lebedev believes that there is nothing serious behind the statements Internet Commerce is not necessary. He believes that companies are not willing to lose their benefits. The MP stressed that buyers must clearly understand prices of goods and the amount of discounts.

Lecturer, Institute of business studies Ranepa Galina Kuznetsova also believes that retailers will take this step and abandon this tool. In her opinion, sales is the main instrument in modern trade.

President of the National Association of distance selling (NAMO) Alexander Ivanov earlier said that during big sales, the number of orders increases significantly. But he added that the fall in consumer demand of Russians is reflected in the “weight” of the average check.

Ivanov has noticed that the last five years in Russia recorded a decrease of the size of the average check for online purchases. In 2014, the figure was 3.6 thousand rubles, and in 2018, it decreased by 8 thousand rubles.

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