A team renewed with a second wind, but the policy mandate remains the same, ” said the Elysee in with the redesign of the second government of the presidency Macron. During the presidential campaign, the candidate running ! had made several promises on his future government team… some of which have been ” forgotten “.
Read : Realignment : explore the profiles of the government
The parity is respected, but a distribution is always unequal
My government will be joint. #CausettePrésidente pic.twitter.com/N59EeUd4H1
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) February 16, 2017
with the prime minister, the government has 18 men and 17 women. Among these last, ten are full time ministers ; the others are secretaries of State – minister to attend each Wednesday at the council of ministers, while secretaries of State are not summoned that when we speak of their records. Only two women have a portfolio of major importance : Nicole Belloubet to justice and Florence Parly to the defence.
A government almost joint… apparently The women are less ministers and occupy fewer positions of peerage that the men in the government, Philip II, appointed on Tuesday 16 October. Source : Elysée
The key positions of prime minister and three other posts of peerage (foreign affairs, economy and interior) shall remain vested in men. The only minister of State, who arrives just after the prime minister in the order of protocol, and can organize cross-departmental meetings, is a man, François de Rugy.
Read : The national Assembly has already been chaired by a woman, since 1958 ?
The department is full and complete for the women, forgotten,
women, In contrast, embody rather the promise of renewal of Emmanuel Macron : Emmanuelle Wargon, who was director of communications at Danone, and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, who was previously director general of the Compagnie des Alpes, have obtained a secretary of State.
the Other representative of the civil society, Marlène Schiappa, secretary of State in charge of equality between women and men, has his portfolio extended to the fight against discrimination in the framework of the reorganization of Wednesday. However, in the midst of the campaign, Emmanuel Macron said that there would be a ministry full of women’s rights. It is necessary to believe that trade-offs have been made : the department became a secretariat of State (Marlène Schiappa is responsible for the equality of women and men), causing at the time of serious disappointment among the associations and activists.
April 28, Macron for a ministère of women’s rights #Droitsdesfemmes. Wolfé ! 17 may, it is a secrésecretariat of E&welcome to join; https://t.co/uRxkt1EdQS
— osezlefeminisme (@Dare to be the féminisme !)
The firms of these new ministers have yet to be established : those who worked for the previous government were directed almost two-thirds of men.
Read : firms, mainly male in the government Philippe