The trade unions of the National Police have led up to the Supreme Court his complaint about the inability of the roughly 2,500 agents sent to Catalonia to vote in the elections next Sunday. The transferred were not advised with sufficient notice as to be able to request the vote-by-mail, whose term had expired on the same day that they were informed of his trip. The Central Electoral Board has deemed it “impossible” to fix it. The majority union (Jupol) has submitted a remedy of amparo in the Supreme court and the Unified Union of Police (SUP) has come to the General Directorate of Internal Policy of the Ministry to “articulate any legal procedure and logistics” that ensures the right to vote of those who are going to protect that right.


Inner shields to 10-N in Catalonia, with a heavy police Barcelona shields before the visit of the King and the government called for calm in the protests Fifth night of unrest in Catalonia: the videos of the journalists of THE COUNTRY

the relationship of the two main trade unions with the General Directorate of the Police, directed by Francisco Pardo, living one of its worst moments. Now they are broken, because they have refused even to attend their calls recent, “the refusal to convene an official meeting to report the details of the financial compensation and working hours for the national police assigned to the device special security established in Catalonia”.

on the other hand, the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC) reported yesterday at a press conference in Barcelona that the 2,000 troops of that body sent to Catalonia is “in a precarious situation: crammed into some barracks, in rooms of six”, and “without knowing the terms and conditions of service: subsistence, relays and time of stay.

“For the Interior, the workers of the Meritorious should not deserve to know in what situation they go to work, eat or stay, because otherwise it is not understood that limiting them to communicate since the beginning of the operating, almost from one day to another, that ceased to be under the General Order by which to determine the regimes of provision of the service, and the day and time of the staff of the Civil Guard, going to be without any kind of regulation, making extensive journeys marathon and without weekly rest periods. In this sense, it is noteworthy that the national police has not been suspended the day’s work, except this week of the elections,” said the note sent by the AUGC.

“Nor are they reported to the civil guards about when they will be released to return to their homes, or the economic incentive perceived by such a high sacrifice and effort. They are also having problems to perceive the advancement of the diets, so that work is costing you money that you have put your own”, they added.


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