Annually, Pordata publishes a statistical yearbook on Portugal is a good x-ray of the country and its evolution over the last half century. The initiative of the Foundation Francisco Manuel dos Santos, Pordata is served of 60 official entities of information, including the INE and Eurostat.

We wanted to complete the statistical portrait of Portuguese with Spanish (with data from the INE national) to see the differences, in some cases, and the similarities in others. The advancement of women in the world of work and education and falling fertility are common in both countries, as well as the increasing weight of the population older than 60 years with respect to young people. It is increasingly less active population and the retired. But the best thing is to see the cold numbers.

Portugal (P), 92.227 square kilometers. Spain (E), 505.983 square kilometers.

P, 10.2 million. E, 46.7 million.

foreign stock
Q, by 4.1%. And, by 10.1%.
Portugal is the eighth country with the least foreign of the 28 of the European Union. Spain the tenth with more.

rural Population
P, 26.3 per cent. And, 26.1 per cent.

P, 113,2 inhabitants per square kilometer. And, 92,7 inhabitants per square kilometer.

Under 15 years
Q, to 13.9%, just more than in Germany and Italy. And, close to the EU average, which is 15.6%.

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Over 65
P, 21.3% of the population, percentage-wise, only behind Italy and Greece. E. it is fifteenth, below the EU average, which is 19.6%.

Over 60 for every 100 young people
P 153, third below that of Italy and Germany. And, 128. Average of the EU, and 126.

life Expectancy at birth
P, 81.6 years. And, 83.4 years, the highest in the EU.

Average age of motherhood
P, to 31.2 years, the eighth of the continent. And, to 32.1, the highest in Europe.

Children / woman
P, 1,38. And, by 1.33, the lowest in Europe after Malta.

Health autopercibida
P, successfully defended 48.8% believe that it is good. And, figure of 74.2%.

Performance average annual family
P, 22.924€. And, 28.000 euros.

poverty Risk of under 16 years of age
P, a 19.1%. And, 28%.

People between the ages of 25 and 64 without high school
P, 50.2 percent, the first of the EU. And, at around 40%, the third.

school leavers
P, by 11.8%. And, by 17.9%, the highest rate in the EU.

Nor studying, nor working
P, 13% of young people between 15 and 24 years. And, to 17.1%.

Doctorate of women on the total
P, 55%. And, 50%.

family Expenses on health
P, 5.1 per cent. And, by 4.1%.

Productivity per hour worked
P, 64,1. And, 98. Average of the EU, 100.

salary average
P, 25.516 euros. And, 32.000 euros.

minimum monthly Salary
P, 807 euros. And, 1.120 euros.

Rate of temporary workers
P, 22%. And, of 26.9%, the highest in the EU.

P, by 6.2%. And, to 13.8%.

Part of the GDP devoted to pensions
P, 14.6 per cent. And, to 12.5%.

Pensioners for every 100 active
P, 58 people. And, 42 pensioners.

Pensioners for every 100 people
P, 34. E, 24. Only Malta and Cyprus have less.

GDP ‘per capita’
P, 19.830 euros. And, 25.730 euro.

GDP with respect to purchasing power
P, 77%. And, 92%.

public Debt in relation to GDP
P, 121,5%, just below Greece and Italy. And, 97,6%.

Debt ‘per capita’
P, 23.831 euro. And, 24.999 euros.

Price domestic electricity
P of 0.28, the highest in Europe. And, of 0.25, the fourth.

Average wage
P, 23.533 euros. And, 30.288 euros.

tourist overnight Stays per inhabitant
P, by 5.8. And, to 7.3.

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