Baden-Württemberg and southern Bavaria are the vibrant economic centres of power in Germany. And also parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and lower Saxony are home to companies that are internationally successful and to guarantee your home for prosperity and good Jobs. However, in none of these regions of Germany, people seem to be with your life exceptionally happy.

satisfied, the Federal citizens are rather far away from the hectic cities. For the umpteenth time, the inhabitants of Schleswig-Holstein is the front-runner in the happiness ranking, the scientists have determined, on behalf of the Deutsche Post. Also, the fine Hamburg, the state of Hesse and the many rural francs cut in the happiness index is above average.

Overall, the researchers were commissioned by the Post office on the way to report, for Germany, a high level of life satisfaction, the quite loud, articulate political discomfort, in Spite of. In fact, the current happiness locates value is 7.05 points – the scale ranges from zero to ten – the Federal citizens under the more contented Nations in Europe.

in Front of the Germans, the Danes are, among other things, (now as a lucky world champion fame), the Dutch, the Swedes and the Irish. “The subjective life satisfaction of German is at a consistently high level,” said Bernd Raffelhüschen from the University of Freiburg.

The financial scientist has created the happiness ranking of the regions on the Basis of data of the public opinion research Institute IfD allensbach and the German Socio-economic panel (SOEP). It’s not all so bad, and yet there is improvement potential.

Three paths to happiness

The soul is full of contradictions the life of the German. The improvement of the job situation and the significant prosperity, plus the recent years no call has brought values to increase well-being. “We have 40 quarters of income growth behind us, this is the longest stretch since the economic miracle,” says Raffelhüschen.

However, there is probably something of a luck-neutral growth: Thus, the life satisfaction increases, according to his estimates, a wealth increase of more than one percent. And to achieve a further noticeable improvement of well-being, not rich, a slight increase of the gross domestic product, especially since some of the effects of the boom back to have a negative impact on the sense of Happiness.

A cause identified by the experts as a crucial factor, are in commuting times. Anyone who has long commutes to the workplace, is rather unhappy with his life than people living in the vicinity of your operation. The Job must not be located in front of the door and to reach on foot, but starting at 200 kilometres per week, a significant effect.

So in the Munich area: Rising Rents in the boom town of lead workers to pull further and further out and always have to travel long have to take time to the Job. Consequently, the southern Bavaria achieved in the category of Residential/recreational lower values than Germany as a whole.

“Short commuting times to the workplace, to make satisfied, to long journeys to work have a negative impact on the happiness in life”, reported the scientist. According to their representation of Employees, which will be transferred to the home office to improve frequently the quality of your life. The work at the kitchen table has a feel that is positive to your Happiness, to say, therefore, 84 per cent of the home office users. Also, the job satisfaction was greater.

But there is one additional factor is whether the way to and from work can be designed individually. “Workers can use their travel time for Professional, and your work is above average satisfied”, – stated in the Post-study fortunately, Atlas. So it is not surprising that the working of E-mobility and new digital technologies, the majority hope for uniform improvements.

What is happiness

A possible factor in the polarization of society. “It is expected that at the extreme Ends of the political spectrum, especially a lot of Dissatisfied to find,” says Raffelhüschen. Strictly speaking, the luck falls feeling to 2018, even slightly lower than in the previous year, however, with the discernible nuances between the regions. And not always the luck follows the growth or salary increases.

for example, the state of Brandenburg for the income have since the turn of the Millennium to well over 50 percent – well above the national average. Nevertheless, the Eastern province is located in the ranking of happiness on the last place. The other Extreme is Bayern. According to almost any criterion, the measure of economic success, the blue-and-white-free state at the top, be it employment or average income.

Nevertheless, people in southern Bavaria are, right there, where the Land is very wealthy, in the Germany-wide comparison, only moderately satisfied. To classify: In the government district of upper Bavaria, the annual Per-capita income is 36.100 Euro in the year, in the Federal cut it is 26.400 Euro. Even less happy are the people in lower Saxony, and Württemberg, however, are where the economy is booming.

Overall, the differences between the Federal States of 2018 were not very big, stressed Raffelhüschen. Some of them were in the area of the statistically barely detectable. Thus, satisfaction between Germany East and Germany West of the formerly huge gap in the lives of close to three decades after the turn is hardly anything left. “20 years ago, a giant was no longer there gap, which is today,” says a scientist.

Unhappy southern Europeans, lucky Danes

is relative to the happiness Republic of Germany, homogeneous, shows the view to other European countries. While German citizens are maneuvering with a European-defined Satisfaction score of 7.5 points in the upper third, is the luck of the Italians feel dropped to 5.5 points. In this area of the Euro-state is in the company of Albania, or Montenegro, which is also just 5.5 points.

The most unhappy people live in the Euro-Barometer show that South-Eastern Europe. With a value of just 4.1 Greece brings up the rear among the Nations. Purely numerically, the Hellenes, with their existence not even half as happy as the happiest Europeans, the Danes.

After all, compared with the previous two years, feel the Hellenes a little less unhappy. And also geographically, the other end of the continent is something in motion. The crisis-ridden EU member States, Spain and Portugal had recently a significant upward movement.

The happiness of the budget of the German, however, is, it seems, excites only once. How unhappy the German citizens really are, it might show the two state elections in October.


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