Stuttgart (dpa/tmn) – slow traffic and traffic jams – travelers a better next weekend (26. to 28. April). In nine States, the Easter holiday season. Although the Auto Club Europa (ACE) and the ADAC assess the situation a little more relaxed than on the holidays themselves.

However, especially on the remote roads in the South of Germany in a northerly and westerly direction, along the Rhine and Ruhr, as well as near the coast, motorists with better patience.

As the main travel times has identified the ACE, especially the Saturday from 10 to 18 clock and Sunday from 14 to 20 o’clock. First home travelers start but already to the middle of the week.

traffic jams are, according to the Transport associations possible in the large Rhine-Ruhr, Rhine-Main, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Stuttgart, on the routes away from the North sea and the Baltic sea as well as on the following routes:

A 1 Köln – Dortmund – Bremen – Hamburg – Lübeck; both RichtungenA 1, A 3, A 4 from Cologne, RingA 2 Oberhausen – Dortmund and Dortmund – Hannover – Berlin; both RichtungenA 3 Oberhausen – Köln – Frankfurt/Main – Würzburg – Nürnberg – Passau; both RichtungenA 4 Kirchheimer Dreieck – Erfurt – Dresden; both RichtungenA 5 Kassel – Frankfurt/Main – Karlsruhe – Basel; both RichtungenA 6 Kaiserslautern – Mannheim – Heilbronn – Nuremberg; both RichtungenA 7 Flensburg – Hamburg, and Füssen/Reutte – Ulm – Würzburg – Hanover, Vera 8 Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – Munich – Salzburg; both RichtungenA 9 Munich – Nuremberg – Berlin; both RichtungenA 10 Berlin RingA 61 Mönchengladbach – Koblenz – Ludwigshafen; both RichtungenA 81 Heilbronn – Stuttgart – Singen; both RichtungenA 93 Rosenheim – Kiefersfelden, both RichtungenA 95 Munich – Garmisch-Partenkirchen; both RichtungenA 99 by-pass Munich

In Austria and Switzerland to fill back travelers, especially the transit routes in a northerly direction. Major delays remain, according to the ADAC, however, is the exception. In Austria, the whole of the Saturday is to be expected and especially on Sunday lunch with lots of traffic. On the return trip from Austria to Germany, random traffic checks for more time can make losses.

In Switzerland, it can halt generally in a northerly direction from Friday evening. This is also valid Saturday and Sunday from late morning until the evening. The Saturday calculate the motorists according to ACE, better with wait times at the South portal of the Gotthard tunnel. Here the ACE is called the A 13 about San Bernardino as an alternative route. The worth of a delay of an hour.

ACE-jam prediction

ADAC traffic info

ADAC traffic jam forecast

ADAC traffic jam forecast Video


Current border wait times, the Austrian ASFINAG


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