Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Evgeny Samarin
assistant to the head of Roszdravnadzor in Moscow and Moscow region Elena Balandina has denied the information about the deficit in the capital’s pharmacies medications recommended for the treatment of coronavirus, reports TASS.
It is recommended not to self-medicate with the use of antiviral drugs, and buy drugs without doctors ‘ recommendations for the future.
media Balandin encouraged to take responsibility for the published information to prevent panic and unnecessary costs for citizens to purchase “just in case” of antiviral drugs.
Earlier, the world health organization (who) has stated that getting letters and packages from China is not for people risk. The organization noted that coronaviruses on letters and parcels do not last long.
the First cases became known in the end of December 2019. Focus of infection called the city of Wuhan in China’s Hubei province. According to the latest figures, killed 259 people, and the number infected has reached nearly 12 thousand.
the Russians are afraid to remain without equipment for coronavirus
see also
Contact with infected with the coronavirus in Russia obsledovanija recommended to wear masks to protect from flu