It went in armed to paragraph 219a never to advertising in terms of advertising. But whether Doctors in Parts of the Nazi-era law is a punishable offence to make, if you inform online or anywhere else in public that you can, after a prior obligation consultation – you have a termination of pregnancy. Among other things, because they are billing as a provider of such intervention money for these medical services, the applicable law is a Form of advertising, so the last common law.

The most prominent case: The judgment against the General practitioner Kristina Hänel. She was sentenced in the year 2016 from the Giessen local court to pay a fine of 6,000 euros. In the fall of 2018, an appeals court upheld the verdict. Similar cases had employed other dishes. After a long debate, the Federal government agreed on a compromise on the adjustment of section 219a, which must still be passed by the Bundestag. Accordingly, the law should get a add-on that allows Doctors and hospitals to make public that they perform abortions. For information on the methods of provider of abortions must refer to the Federal chamber of physicians and the Federal centre for health education. TIME ONLINE the most important facts, which forms the termination of Pregnancy it has compiled, what risks you have and where unintentionally Pregnant to help and support you find here:

Overview: What methods are there to terminate a pregnancy? Is crash the morning after pill not also a Form of pregnancy? Which method can be used for? How are the operational procedures? How do the medical procedures? Abortion has mental problems? Up to which week of pregnancy an abortion is allowed? To whom is Pregnant, are unsure whether you want to get your child can? And who pays for a procedure? View more What other methods are there to terminate a pregnancy?

Either there is a surgery or it be given medication. During an intervention medicine to suck the inside or the Doctors the embryonic tissue in the uterus or from scraping it. The patient receives medication, these specifically in the hormonal balance of the woman. The uterus is brought to the Embryo and to sell, together with the top layer of the uterine mucous membrane, in which it nests. Nearly 80 percent of the roughly 100,000 abortions in the year 2017 were Suction and Scraping, 20 percent were carried out with medication.

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the pill Is abortion then not also a Form of pregnancy?

no, the morning-after pill, which is for 2015 in Germany available without prescription in pharmacies, is a contraceptive. The reason is that If the egg is not fertilized already, so an Embryo is created, it works. The hormones it contains (progestins, i.e., synthetic forms of the in the body naturally occurring progesterone), rather, that the ovulation is delayed or doctors sheet: Kothé, 2008) is absent (. Women during their fertile Phase, i.e. in the period of six days before and a day after ovulation, Sex without contraception, you can take. The morning-after pill is very effective. It reduces the probability of becoming pregnant by up to 95 percent. It is in a nutshell: The sooner you take it – ideally within 24 to 48 hours, the better it works.

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Which procedure can be used for?

that depends on how far the pregnancy has progressed and what the Pregnant woman wants. But also of the anatomy of the woman, and sometimes of which method the Doctor or the doctor well controlled. Before the Doctor performs an abortion, shall examine them carefully with ultrasound and blood tests, whether the woman is pregnant. Generally, physicians can but only up to about the 12. Week of pregnancy surgery, because after that, the Embryo is too large. The abortion medication up to 63. Day, so on the ninth week of pregnancy is allowed. “Basically, it can be used the entire pregnancy and also to the introduction of a birth,” says Christian Fiala, medical Director of the Gynmed-Ambulatorium, Vienna, has specialized in abortion and family planning.

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function As the operational procedures?

the Doctor scrapes, either with a surgical tool, the embryonic tissue from the uterus or suck out with a small plastic hose in which a negative pressure prevails. The extraction method is gentle, the Doctor removes the upper part of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which is otherwise repelled at the menstrual period. In order for the Doctor with the hose in the uterus, it must extend the mother’s mouth: Either with chopsticks or with a drug that you can use also at the time of pregnancy initiation, a Prostaglandin. The Pregnant woman gets in addition, because of the pain, an anesthetic, depending on the request, either locally on the cervix, or a short General anesthesia. “The procedure takes a few minutes,” explains Fiala. But above all, the risks are very small: very rarely it can cause infection or an allergic reaction to the anesthetic. “The fear of infertility is unfounded,” says Fiala. “She comes from a time in which abortion is strictly forbidden, and under poor hygienic conditions.” At the time it came to infections, the ascent of the uterus into the fallopian tubes, this bonded and the women infertile. Today, the opposite is rather the case: a Lot of women underestimated, says Fiala, how fast you can be after an abortion pregnant again. As a rule, the are in fact only two weeks.

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work As the medical procedure?

The female body is controlled by a pregnancy, by changing what and how many hormones are released. Especially the hormone progesterone ensures that the mucosa and the unborn life, that nests in it, not repelled. Is formed first from the Gelbkörby the ovary and later by the child’s share of the placenta. The medical termination of pregnancy, the doctor inhibits the progesterone-Signal with the substance of mifepristone. Then the woman must wait about three days before she takes a second drug, a Prostaglandin,. The result is that the uterus contracts and the already aborted Embryo goes in a bleeding. This withdrawal bleeding is completely identical with a spontaneous miscarriage, says Christian Fiala. “It is also not a doctor can determine whether a spontaneous or an initiated Abort.” This is also true for the side effects: The women suffer under the sometimes heavy bleeding and cramping pain. About every hundredth of a – just like a natural pregnancy, a disposal must, therefore, to the hospital. Serious complications are rare.

Also in the case of late terminations, about the 12. Week of pregnancy, is used a Form of drug method. Here, however, the woman must bring the non-viable child, as in a normal birth, usually in the hospital, to the world. Very rare abortions are after 20. Week of pregnancy in which the child may would be able to come to the world. To prevent this, the child can be injected via the umbilical vein with a solution of potassium chloride, which leads to cardiac arrest. Such cases are in Germany, but very rarely (2017: 592 cases) and are often matched in the ethics Council of the hospital.

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a crash Has mental problems?

this is a question concerned scientists and researchers for quite a while. One of the problems: The Study on the topic is bad. But, where there are high quality studies that show that abortion – especially if they were early made, and a one-time event won’t lead to psychological problems (American Psychological Association: Major et al., 2008; Academy of Medical Royal Colleges: Cantwell et al., 2011; New England Journal of Medicine: Munk-Olsen et al., 2011). In these studies, is not, once again, that women who make an abortion are often under great social pressure, because many of their fellow human beings condemn the intervention. And a confrontation with such a morality can itself trigger mental health problems.

And what do women feel after an abortion? Tried to do a study of the family planning centre Hamburg to find out. The conclusion of the authors: most of The women were “sad and liberated at the same time.” This is something that can confirm Christian Fiala. Women who are unintentionally pregnant, are already in a problem situation with no easy way out. “And our experience after the abortion is often the best solution – also for the Psyche.”

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Up to which week of pregnancy is allowed a termination?

§218 of the penal code States that abortion is forbidden to abort. §218a does not regulate, however, the circumstances under which abortion is a punishable offence. This is the case, if a Doctor, or a doctor performing the procedure before the twelfth week of pregnancy, when the Pregnant woman in an approved counseling Agency for advice.

After the twelfth week, abortions are only permitted if it is the mother mentally or physically, would be a burden to keep the child. What exactly that means is open to interpretation. Typically includes a life risk to the Pregnant woman or serious disability of the child.

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To whom is Pregnant, are unsure whether you want to get your child can?

Legally recognized advice, The Diakonisches Werk, The German Red cross, arbeiterwohlfahrt and donum vitae are, for example, is: Pro Familia. They not only inform about the possibilities to cancel but also options to show, what help and support there is for women that are alone, in Need of financial assistance in the training, without family support or other reasons that make it difficult for them to decide to have a child.

doctors Also Women and doctors to provide the mandatory advice. The doctor performing the procedure, must, however, have not been carried out before the consultation. Between the conversation and the procedure, a three-day cooling-off period. Gisela Hilgefort has worked in the counseling center of Pro Familia Mainz. The act provides that the Advisory “is to serve the protection of unborn life” and not primary to the mother, on the other hand, but also the outcome should be. “For us, the women get practical information to help if you decide to keep the pregnancy, or to the procedures for a termination of pregnancy”, Hilgefort. They also teach Doctors. They observed that, actually, every woman with the decision to terminate a pregnancy is difficult to define. “The social climate and the need to respect the pregnant life,” she says.

According to above Link> Link to post as a rule, the woman herself. The cost will amount to several Hundred euros. Women who earn less than currently 1.179 euros net, can apply for the health insurance costs. However, this must be done before the procedure.

parts of this article have appeared here on TIME ONLINE.

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