The US FDA is examining a possible connection between the Occurrence of seizures and the use of E-cigarettes. Currently, 35 cases from the years 2010 to 2019 would be investigated, in which the use of such seizures are triggered. Affected thus, especially young people. “Although 35 of the cases may not seem much in comparison to the total number of people who use E-cigarettes, we are concerned about the reported cases,” writes the FDA in a communication. It is sufficient in many cases to justify a scientific investigation, said the authorities.
not to be used to secure the connection according to the current state’s name. “The reports also do not provide enough detail to identify a clear pattern or causes for these incidents.” The seizures had occurred in both first-time as well as experienced users. We hope that now even more possible Sufferers reported. Seizures or convulsions are poisoning known side-effects of Nicotine, so the FDA.
No known cases in Germany
Germany has so far been no such case is known, said Katrin Schaller German cancer research center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. The Situation in the USA is also different: There, capsules with 50 milligrams of nicotine per Milliliter were available in the EU member States, however, E is likely to contain Liquids for a maximum of 20 milligrams of nicotine per Milliliter. Also Schaller stresses that result from the cases in the U.S. first of all, just a first suspicion, was to be considered further.
as in Europe, E-cigarettes are in the United States is on the rise. In 2014, the E-cigarette obsolete in young people the traditional cigarette in the frequency of consumption.
ikr / DPA / AFP