The fervor is everywhere, in prayer, in conversation, in memoriam. Nowhere in the world is compacted in religious, as in the old city of Jerusalem, the centre of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Not far from the wailing wall, Church of the Holy sepulchre and dome of the rock, but something New is created – in addition to the Belief that Knowledge grows: “The Start-up economy is expanding strongly,” says Omer Elad, Manager of the company, Orcam, which sits in a technology Park close to the Holy places, and view builds devices for visually impaired people. “We benefit greatly from the diversity of the population.” In the digital riser of Jerusalem, ethnicities, and denominations were United peacefully.

“Silicon Wadi” call the Israelis, their network of technology and digital companies are proud of. Comparisons with the much larger Silicon Valley in California to hear you. With the combination of military and civilian research, engineering and venture capital, the small country has produced a significant concentration of digital Start-up company within a period of only about ten years.

Around 6500 Start-ups, according to a popular Definition currently sit in Israel, about 2000 in Germany, which has almost ten times as many inhabitants. Companies such as Orcam, or its larger sister company, Mobileye, a leading manufacturer of driver assistance systems and Autonomous driving, are part of.

Israel’s founder boom speaks for itself, delegations from all over the world. This week, the chamber of Commerce and industry North travelled with 43 people, the country, the network of twelve chambers of Commerce on the German coasts. Also, the Hamburg-based entrepreneur Zoë Andreae. Your company Lecare in the Eppendorf Software for the digital organization of law firms and legal departments.

In the past year they had participated in a tour of the chamber of industry and Commerce North to Silicon Valley, and draws the comparison: “Much of the Israeli Start-up scene is similar to what I met in the Silicon Valley. However, authorities and hierarchies are in the US, more in the foreground than in Israel,“ she says. “My impression is that The mandatory military service in Israel is shaping the mentality of the Israeli founders in depth, in terms of technical excellence, discipline, implementation of speed and strength.”

“I always wanted to work in the technology industry,”

work in the digital economy and renewal, white Andreae from their daily work. For 25 years, she is about as old as many of the Israeli interlocutor, which the visitors encounter – and by far the Youngest in the North German group. She completed internships at companies in several countries, studied at elite universities in London and St. Gallen, received her Master of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the ESADE Business School in Barcelona and operates in addition to their work, a remote studying at the Stanford University.

Already at the age of 23, she took over the management of the family business when her father fell ill. This was not your career goal, but now the task: “I always wanted to work in the industry, and especially in the technology industry,” says Andreae.

Lecare is no longer a Start-up company. The company has 18 employees and more than 260 enterprise customers of any size and industry, including a number of Dax-companies. The largest customers of Lecare more than 1000 employees make daily use of the Software. “When my father founded the company 30 years ago, was the many law firms or legal departments is not clear, what you are in need of digital support,” says Andreae. “Today, it comes without a digital organization, such contracts are nowhere to be found.”

Some of it sounds strange for stakeholders from the chambers of Commerce

The young Boss, however, can put themselves in the role of founders. “Legal Tech” is called the digitization of the legal industry. “The Digital Transformation of the legal industry is still in its infancy, but many lawyers in Germany now recognise the great potential of digitisation,” says Andreae.

her master’s thesis she wrote about how Legal-Tech Start-ups of the penetration of legal structures in Germany through the use of digital technologies speed up how you work and mechanisms of the law, determination to change, and people better access to legal information, to enable and facilitate. This year they received the award for “Woman of Legal Tech in 2018”.

In the case of digital companies not only to market their own technologies. Faster than in other companies, you have to understand new opportunities, and implement. For Andreae, the normal as for some of your fellow passengers from the North German economy. “I plan a lot in our company. My studies at Stanford University, helps me to have the latest knowledge and methods from the USA, such as Legal, Design Thinking, Machine Learning and neuroscience-based software development and apply,“ she says. Sounds strange for players from traditional chambers of Commerce, associations and businesses but not for young corporate leaders who have grown up with the digitalization.

The chambers of Commerce have recognised that the digitization of every industry and every company is recorded and that the economy can’t take time to wait for younger, tech-savvy Manager responsibility in the hierarchies. This is also why the chamber of Commerce and industry North organized, more recently, information travel to international centres of high technology, after the USA and Israel, it should go in 2019 to the Chinese Shenzhen.

“passion, Patriotism and entrepreneurial spirit, as we see it here in Israel, have subsided in the German society and economy,” says Gert Stuke, currently Chairman of the chamber of Commerce and industry North, in the heavily livestock-influenced Oldenburg breeding as an entrepreneur with the neutralization of the slurry. “It must be better, if Germany and the North of Germany do not want to especially with the rapid pace of technological change through digitalisation. Also, the interfaces between the economy and science, which are organized in Israel is very efficient, we need to improve.“

the pace of digital development irritated

Torsten Teichert traveled as the Vice-President of the Hamburg chamber of Commerce with Israel: “Impressive is the tight Interplay between the economy, science, government, and army. Not sure of our Tradition in Germany, and Hamburg,“ he says. “The awareness about the performance of the Start-up and the digital economy in Israel is very pronounced. We could cut the us in Hamburg, a disc.“

the pace of digital development in Israel irritated some of the visitors and impressed at the same time. Also Zoë Andreae, who had already learned during the school time in the company of her father to do the programming, know after the trip more than before: “You can take away from Israel very much, I will remove the contacts from here in any case. The Start-up companies to think globally here. Also, the Legal-Tech industry in Israel is an issue.“

your home town from Andreae, with a view to the digitisation of a good testimony, although Hamburg is in the case of this topic, often in the shadow of Berlin. “Berlin is a Start-up centre in Germany, mostly in the focus,” she says. “But I see the development in Hamburg of all non-negative, since very much has happened – especially in the Legal Tech scene.”


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