In the public discussion is always a lot of Stress on the Job and Burnout risks. While researchers do not know for a long time: to have no Job is bad for your Bank account, but also for the health of considerably more dangerous. The negative effect of unemployment, particularly on mental health is widely evidenced. It was unclear so far, however, how much work is necessary in order to benefit from the positive health effects of paid employment.

Exactly the study, researchers from the British universities of Cambridge and Salford. The result of the in the Journal “Social Science & Medicine” published a study: You do not need to overdo it. A day’s work a week enough from a scientific point of view completely, to go to satisfied and healthy through life.

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For the study, the scientists analysed a sample of more than 70,000 British citizens between the ages of 16 and 64 years, were interviewed over a period of ten years on various topics. So, among other things, their employment status, as well as information on mental health and life in General were recorded satisfaction.

Even taking into account other factors such as income, age, children, and the diseases showed that those Who made the leap from unemployment into paid employment, reduces his risk of Contracting a serious illness mentally, to 30 percent. Interestingly, benefited from the effect of people who worked only one day a week as strong as some of the others worked for much longer.

Overall, I found the analysis that has compared to the Standard full-time Job of 36 to 40 hours, reduced working hours, no negative effects on the mental health or well-being. Those who only worked one to eight hours in the week, as well as all other employees. “We have dosage recommendations for everything from Vitamin C to the proper amount of sleep, to make us feel better, but this is the first Time that the question of wage labour was made,” says Brendan Burchell, head of the study and sociologist at the University of Cambridge.

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The researchers do not understand their study as a theoretical Gimmick, but deliberately targeted at key issues in the labour market of the future. Experts expect that as a result of digitization, automation and the spread of artificial intelligence, many Jobs will be lost and it will not be more necessary and possible, to offer everyone a job. The results of the study suggest that it would behave the people, then much better if everyone works a little bit as if an Individual does not work a lot and others not at all.

In the future, the researchers conclude, the policy should, therefore, think about creative solutions such as a Five-day weekend, limiting the working time to two hours a day, or the increase in the annual leave on for up to eight months. “If there is not enough work for everyone, of full-time want to work, we need to rethink our current standards,” says Daiga Kamer, Co-author of the University of Salford. “This should include the redistribution of work so that everyone can benefit from the advantages of Jobs on mental health, even if that means that we all work a lot less.”

sources: Science Daily / Science Direct / the Guardian / the Telegraph


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