Soap, matches and salt – why these goods during the war garnered in the first place

History 11/03/20 Soap, matches and salt – why these goods during the war garnered in the first place

before the war the shelves of Soviet stores not bursting from the abundance of goods. At the very least supplied with food the population of large cities, primarily Moscow and Leningrad. The situation in the province was worse, and in rural areas – and at no. With the outbreak of war immediately began to supply disruptions. However, it was goods that were bought at the first opportunity, and completely uncontrolled. In the first place — salt, matches and soap.

Causes of deficits

So, by the July 1941 in many areas in the stores began to disappear bread. To avoid panic and to stabilize the situation, the government embarked on the introduction of the card system. In the summer of 1941 virtually all regions of the Soviet Union ration cards were introduced for bread, cereals, sugar, oil, meat and fish. Of industrial goods by cards sold fabrics, shoes, hosiery, etc. Card system gave rise to the abyss of abuses and fraud, the norms of holiday goods by cards constantly decreasing. However, this distribution system has stabilized the situation and gave the citizens hope that the bread, cereals and some fat will still be on the table.


It is now, in the era of abundance, salt is called “white death” and encouraged to use it as little as possible. In fact, these days it is not even about the salt, itself, and about the different delicacies – sausages, hams, meats and sauces that contain salt. Sodium chloride (salt) is a substance necessary for our body, though in very small quantities. Why, then, it has garnered the pounds?

At first, food without salt is quite tasteless, it is well known. Especially tasteless without salt be cereal, cooked in water and potatoes. And it is this, morepart, ate people in the rear. Secondly, salt is the ability to store food for the future. Meat if he was able to get, cabbage, other vegetables collected from the forest mushrooms – all of this without salt instantly spoiled. Salt is the preservative, and this fact makes her such an important product. In 1648, during the reign of Alexey Mikhailovich in Moscow broke out the famous “hydrochloric rebellion” caused by the introduction of a tax on salt. The people began to rebel, having lost the ability to make supplies and, therefore, being threatened with hunger.

during the great Patriotic war the salt works and salt mines, which in our country has always been enough, not working in full force: men went to the front. The remaining workers were attracted to other production facilities working for the army.

For all these reasons the salt and in the cities and in the villages during the great Patriotic war was probably the most marketable commodity.


After eating one of the basic needs of our body is heat. Well-fed, warm – so, you will live.

In the villages by the beginning of the great Patriotic war was only furnace heating. Some cities have already implemented a centralized heat supply, however, even in Moscow and other large cities in many homes remained of the furnace. Residents of these homes were in a better position than those who lived in apartments with Central heating radiator. In these apartments sooner or later, there was the famous stove-“stove” because of the battery because of bombing and General insecurity were always cold.

But in order to ignite the wood in a furnace or “stove” have been asking for a match.

it So happened that most of the factories producing this very useful thing in the economy, were located in the Western regions of the USSR occupied by the enemy – in Belarus, in Ukraine, in the Bryansk region, in the Baltic States. But the production, which were to the East, moved quickly to the front. First, the conventional match was very useful to ordinary men, and secondlyryh, produced various products for scouts, demomen, Partizan – various fuses for explosive devices, smoke and signal a match, etc. it is Clear that for the needs of the rear remained very, very little priceless a matchbox.

by the Way, during the Second world war the need for matches experienced not only residents of the Soviet Union, it was a very scarce commodity in the territories of all the belligerent countries.


Another danger of overtaking the person in times of turmoil and chaos of head lice. Weakened from hunger and cold people become easy prey to parasites. During the war the lice was rampant at the front, among the soldiers, and in the rear. The main means of combating this scourge is purity. So the soap was literally worth its weight in gold. And if the soldiers of the red army received its relatively regularly, in the rear the situation was much more complicated.

the villagers knew how to make lye from stove ash. This process is simple, but requires skill and some adaptations: ash poured into the bottom of a large tub was filled with hot water. After a certain time the water was drawn and turned into liquor – clear, foamy solution. This solution did Laundry and wash like a liquid soap.

In the cities, it was a lot harder. Urban residents received coupons for the purchase of soap, but this is the most important product was not enough. The cause of this deficiency – in a sharp output contraction. The whole industry worked under the motto “Everything for front, everything for victory”, almost all of the produced soap from the factory was to supply the army. In addition, military actions are the reason that the company constantly loses important components for production. For example, in 1942, many factories in Krasnoyarsk region have complained that they lack the soda and fat for soap. The situation was similar in other regions.

Olga Melnikova

© Russian Seven

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