Brittany Smith from Chattanooga, Tennessee, with their two older children in the swimming pool when she was on a call. It is the mother of her fiance, the step-grandmother of the children quasi, who was taking care of the youngest child was. You should immediately come to her, said Smith. In the Background, the mother heard the cry of her little daughter. Further explanation you got. Hastily, Brittany Smith, took her two older children into the car and drove to the step-grandma.

As Smith on your mother-in-law in spe, Jennifer Vaughn, arrived, she heard already at the front door of their two-year-old daughter Kaylee to scream. She rushed into the house, to the little girl and saw that both feet of the child were to the ankles red and huge blisters covered. Kaylee had apparently terrible pain. How could this have happened?

The step-grandmother told of an accident while bathing

First of all, the step-grandmother hemmed and hawed, with unmoved countenance. She had left Kaylee for short time in the bath alone and the girl got turned on Accidentally alone the hot water. However, after Brittany Smith had called the ambulance and the paramedics were a couple of critical Inquiries to Jennifer Vaughn, to finally gave everything she had bathed the feet of the child with the intention of boiling water.

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The injuries to the feet of the small Kaylee were “the worst burns I’ve ever seen,” reported the Sheriff of the parish, Rocky Potter. The police took the brutal step-grandma is now in custody. The little girl is being treated in hospital. The burns, however, are severe, and Kaylee’s condition has improved hardly. “It is terrible and takes all of us terribly,” says mother Britanny. “Kaylee has been in surgery twice, but it has brought nothing. The skin does not heal as the Doctors have hoped. She has a great deal of pain.” However, the doctors do not give up: “you will try in the next week, to repair the feet with some skin from your thighs.

Due to burns, Amputation

threatens, However, must first be seen whether this is possible, because at the moment the Doctors are very afraid of an infection at Kaylee’s feet. A large risk, as Britanny Smith by the clinic staff have been warned there. In the worst case, Kaylee’s feet had to be amputated. She has a great fear for the health of your daughter and not leaving her side. Because in the US medical treatments are relatively expensive, asks you also have a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds for the hospital stay of the two-year-olds.

the process against teachers from Altenburg day-care centre children to eat and Sleep, DPA,

What is Jennifer Vaughn has decided to be so cruel to a small child, is the mother a complete mystery. forced The step-grandmother had previously taken care of already, occasionally, and always liked and easy on the little Kaylee. The last Time, however, the little girl had behaved “badly,” said Vaughn. How exactly, on Brittany Smith got no response. “There is nothing that you can do a two-year-old, no matter how naughty it is, that justifies such a behavior,” she says. The step-grandmother had only explained vaguely, had “a bad day”.

Now Jennifer will have to Vaughn before the court to explain what led you to this terrible fact. You need to answer serious child abuse and is currently waiting in pretrial detention on their bargaining.

source: “Daily Mail”

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