click, clack, click, clack – the sound of high heel shoes with tiny little heels on office corridors, is unmistakable. Just like the “Limp, limp, limp” of Flip-Flops. Or the kreischig light squeak of new sneakers-soles on fresh gebohnerten floors.

How different the tones are, they belong for many to the profession everyday. Since a strict uniformity prevails only to a limited extent. Our career clothing has changed just in the past few years, fast. At least if you look at the long evolution to the classic Business Look.

professional groups, you quickly realized in your work clothes

In Europe, the “Trend” started in the 17th century. Century, according to “Fast Company”. At the time, lawyers, officials and professionals began (not craftsman!) to work in the large cities such as London, Paris or Amsterdam offices. This was a new development – previously, these people had worked from home.

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In London threatens to the Old Admiralty Building was the first office building, built in 1726 for the storage of documents of the Royal Navy. And with this development, also the clothes of men changed to a very distant Version of the modern suit. In the 17th century. Century wore men’s pants, especially as the riding pants to knee length and a shirt, with lace around the cuffs and at the collar that was in addition, to Bind (as an earlier precursor of the necktie). The vest (at the time, more of a tunic) and a cloak came in. The clothing secured mobility, the processed fabrics and embellishments showed wealth and Power – in contrast to the work or trade clothing.

So it was recognized, many occupational groups over the centuries of their clothing. A two-fold Benefit for the people: the clothing was linked to the professional and therefore practical. On the other hand, the clothing was also a membership feature.

the Industrial Revolution in the clothing industry

With the industrial Revolution, the clothing changed because of the cotton fabrics were suddenly readily available and thus cheap. From the early 19th century. Century began to Schneider to sell clothing “off the rack” and not only to measure customize. The fashion in Victorian England (1837-1901) was a harsh one: restraint and prudery were celebrated, individuality is rejected. The result of strict cuts, tight-fitting, calf-long frock coats and vests were. The upper layer of the preferred cylinder head, the working class of the 1850s, the melon. Starting in the 1860s, men started wearing wider neckties with a loop knot, or a pin attached. The frock coat was shorter (knee length) and was driven for business purposes. Ten years later the frock coat was even shorter, and the three-piece suit popular.

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Not only mass production of apparel and Department stores, where the product was sold, were the main reason for the rapid change of fashion, but also fashion magazines, which made the latest craze accessible to the General population.

pocket watches and frock coats

after the death of Queen Victoria the fashion of the men remained somber and heavy, according to “Fast Company”. The Europeans had a great love for the frock coats, which were worn over vests with pocket watches. These clothes symbolized the Position of the carrier – expensive materials showed that the wearer was wealthy. This outfit stood in stark contrast to the leisure suit, which should only be for the time away from the work worn. However, the suits were popular because you could buy them for less than $ 30. And yet, properly looked – and so they were also worn in a professional environment increasingly.

In this time, more and more women began to work. You with strict guidelines imposed how to dress for the office. A female variant of the suit was modern, with a skirt and matching Hats, gloves, bags and shoes. In the ideal case, in dark colors – so you can’t see the stains so easily, recommended at the time, fashion magazines.

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With the First world war, the fashion changed. Bracelet watches, which were handed out to soldiers, replacing the pocket watch. In the Second world war, men’s jackets have been changed, in order to save on fabric: two-row has a single row. Also, the pants, before and pluderig cut, were narrower. After the war, John F. Kennedy stepped in with a suit in a TV debate against Richard Nixon, and was wearing a jacket with only two buttons. For the inauguration he wore no hat. The fashion changed again.

Colorful Polyester clothing

According to the colorful suits from Polyester and even more colourful shirts (the market leader in the USA, sold in the 1960s to the 1970s, all of the colors – just not white shirts), came in the 1980s, the “Power Suits”, so massive, mostly double-upholstery-breasted suits with massive shoulder. The latter also wore ladies. And so the business fashion seemed to be of the 1980s, a little brutally. With designers Donna Karan and Giorgio Armani, this Trend has been broken, you opened the door for what we now call “business casual”.

Meanwhile, a small Revolution seems to be in the business of fashion broke out. Because for the first time since the early beginnings of the suit and is worn in variations and modifications, but radically by newer, younger apparel replaced. The Trend of Start-ups certainly had in the world, its beginning, is also renowned for its tradition companies. The investment firm Goldman Sachs announced in the spring of 2019, the strict dress code of the company will be softened. “Goldman has a wide and diverse customer base around the world, and we want all of our customers feel with our Teams,” it said in a Memo. The employees should dress now, “how it fits to the expectations of the customer.”

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But also relaxed dress rules do not necessarily lead to casual clothes, so the determination at Morgan Stanley. There, the “casual, everyday is longer” – and yet the bankers continue to wear the suit. They fear that by cosy clothes, it becomes clear that you have contact to this day, no customers and you build the career path.

“Fast Company” reports on a recent study that revealed problems with the exact opposite. Therefore, almost gave half of the respondents Manager, that your employees are dressed casual. About a third of managers complained “too much skin” in the clothing styles of your team members.

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