The bus turned over near Krasnoyarsk

Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin

the bus overturned on the Federal highway Yenisei in Krasnoyarsk Krai. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to words of the head of the press service GU MVD in the region of Vladimir Yurchenko.

it is Known that the bus followed from Khakassia. In the salon at the time of the accident were 14 people including the driver.

“the Driver lost control, the bus slid off the road and overturned. In the result, six people were taken with injuries to a hospital in the city of Divnogorsk, in advance, no heavy”, – said Yurchenko.

According to the latest data, the accident happened around 3:00, 4 April (23:00 on April 3, Moscow time) on the 90-kilometer route in the center of the village of Verkhnyaya Biryusa.

it is Noted that the bus driver was sober.

Track not overlap. Causes of accident are established.

Informed of an accident involving a police car and a taxi happened on the Warsaw highway. In the accident one person was injured.

see also

One person was killed in an accident in Cinematologist was killed in an accident on the South-East of the capital