Neustadt: the campsite operator is filming tourists on the toilet
A camping site operators in Neustadt-Rettin in the district of Ostholstein, has filmed its guests with CCTV cameras on the men’s and women’s toilet. A report of the “Kiel news” according to the police on the case closely, after one of the guests made a formal complaint. The switched-on Independent centre for privacy protection would have found that the ceiling-mounted cameras were filming up in the cabins, and some have a unobstructed view of the genital area were offered.
The images have been transferred, according to the report in real time on two monitors in the reception area, where theoretically, customers could face. The operator would have defended with the remark that he would have had in the past problems with vandalism. He was instructed to remove the cameras immediately, in addition, the Prosecutor’s office on
source: “Kieler Nachrichten”
Bonn: fire in the carpentry of the fire Department warns of health danger
In a carpenter shop and a dwelling house in Bad Godesberg, in Bonn, gave it to on Saturday evening a large fire was. Because of the heavy Smoke, local residents were asked to keep Windows and doors closed, said a spokesman for the fire Department Bonn on Saturday evening. It’s health was in danger. It was published according to the speaker, an official risk communication. Injured there so far. The fire was approximately 100 staff on the ground. A column of black smoke was visible from afar. How it came to the fire, could not say the fire Department first.
source: Reuters
Munich: a pilot project with platform screen doors full screen
shows The visualization of how the doors
For more safety on the Track might look like the Munich – based Bus and rail operator MVG is a pilot project with so-called platform screen doors. The company announced on Friday. “Platform screen doors can enhance the security in the subway and a contribution to the stabilization of the operation bars”, – stated in a press release on the topic. The doors to the limits of the Track and platform and open synchronously with the train doors when a train is in the Station.
A new digital control system to make sure the trains stop exactly in front of the doors. The Test should take place according to the figures, the U-Bahnhof Olympia center. “There is a four-track is equipped dough edges with glassed-in, vehicle-to-ceiling doors, and the System is expected to be tested starting in 2024 under real-world conditions,” said MVG. The Test results should be the basis for a decision on whether additional stations will be equipped with the doors. So far the technology, which is abroad used, is used, in Germany at any train station.
After it came to bumps in the past few weeks in Frankfurt and Voerde deadly Track, was Germany discussed widely on the topic of safety on the platform.
source: MVG
Montabaur: woman in the West forest of runaway tractor rolled over, fatally
In the West woods injured was overrun on Saturday a woman by a driverless tractor. The vehicle sat in the afternoon on a property in Neunkhausen in motion, without anyone behind the wheel was sitting, the police announced in Montabaur. The 54-year-old woman was run over and fatally injured. She died, according to the still on-scene. The police took up investigation of the incident.
source: AFP
Pirmasens: 13-Year-old collapsed while Climbing in the deep
In the case of a climbing tour, a 13-Year-old in the Palatinate, has crashed from tens of meters in height. The mother of the girl had used the wrong fuse rope, as the police in Pirmasens announced on Saturday. As the daughter lost during the descent in the Hold, she fell so in-depth. On the “sloping wall” was rolling the 13-Year-old, however, and so the direct impact to the head prevent.
mother and daughter were the police, according to a five-member climbing group in the vicinity of Rumbach on-the-go. The 13-Year-old have many years of climbing experience. However, you didn’t wear a helmet.
The girl was flown after the accident by rescue helicopter to a hospital. “Your injuries are not so serious,” said the police. Against the mother for negligent body is determined violation.
source: AFP
Hamburg: Burning cars at the CSD
stopped At the Christopher Street Day demonstration in Hamburg on Saturday, a moving van fire. The Parade was stopped – but then after a while again. Between driver’s compartment and cargo area of the affected car flames ascended, as the observer described. Big thick clouds of smoke rose to the Long line in the sky. The police secured the Area around the burning car. There are four slightly injured, said organizers Stefan Mielchen. They had been brought in with a suspected flue gas poisoning to the hospital. The fire broke out on the “Queer Refugees Support”-car. Some of this group tried first, with the fire of the flame Lord extinguishers are to. Then, several fire fighters were in action and were able to extinguish the flames, and finally.
firefighters extinguish a Truck that has been in the Parade on Christopher Street Day (CSD) caught fire
©Markus Scholz Picture-Alliance
At the conclusion of “Pride Week” were expected at the annual Christopher Street Day demonstration in Hamburg on Saturday, more than 200 000 participants. 25 Trucks, 27 groups on foot, as well as numerous other Trucks and Cars made since about 12 PM your way through the Parts of the cordoned-off city center. The Demonstration is in this year under the Motto “Basically the same – for a better Constitution”. All is required is that the sexual orientation and gender be added to identity in the prohibition of discrimination (art. 3) in the basic law.
source: Reuters
Lingen: 87-Year-old driving the car several times against the neighbor’s house and your own Garage
In the Emsland region by an elderly motorist drove several times against the house of his neighbor. The 87-Year-old rammed into locking village, in addition to several times the wall of his own Garage, the police announced in Lingen. Both buildings considerable damage to property incurred damage. The Background of the incident was initially unclear. Perhaps the man had not been because of the medication is fit to drive, says the police. Him blood has been taken, therefore, of the sample.
source: AFP
Rieseby: dead infant found in Wacken-Festival arrested
A dead INFing has been discovered in Rieseby, Schleswig-Holstein, on a field. As the public Prosecutor’s office in Kiel told, is the identity of the mother of the baby is known. The infant had been found on Thursday evening. Further investigation and a report by the legal medicine would now need to clarify, “whether it was a stillbirth or, if a homicide comes into consideration”. Earlier, several media had reported about it.
The mother was provisionally to have been taken into police custody, but are now free again, said the Kiel public Prosecutor. She was mid 20’s and come from the Region. Like the “Kiel news” reported, it was taken at the Wacken Open Air in the night to Friday, and then heard. The police confirmed. The woman had indicated that it was a stillbirth. The infant should have been longer located on the field.
source: Reuters
Hirschberg: truck loses hundreds of beer crates
hundreds of full beer near Hirschberg in Baden-Württemberg from a load slip of the boxes in the car and ended up on the street. As the police informed, was not secured the load properly. As the 53-year-old driver and his Truck from the highway in the direction of an industrial area of collection, the boxes start to roll, by the side of collapsed wall of the trailer and crashed on the road. About 30 emergency workers had to pick up broken bottles and the boxes.
source: Reuters
Wacken: thief caught in the act
At the Wacken Open Air is on the increase, the police have seized on the festival grounds, a man, the number of thefts is suspicious. Attentive festival-goers gave the note to the poles, made to create tourist tents. For him, the event is now ended. Officials went of officials on one of the tent places, because it was supposed to come there, be a mobile phone theft. The perpetrators, witnesses noted – they had been watching him, as he was at several of the tents blazed. How, ultimately, turned out, was the 26-year-old Pole without permission on the site. In his tent, the forces discovered especially power banks and cables, which are likely to originate from previous thefts. A total of 30 items were the cops sure treated the man for identification, and customized Ads against him.
in addition to the arrested more thieves on the site seem to be active. Alone in the period of yesterday, 18: 00, until today Morning they committed stage 27 of Bag thefts in the area in front of the main. Here there were fewer wallets, the disappeared, but rather Smartphones.
source: police Directorate of Itzehoe
Wacken rock at the end of pensioners: old-age home residents, the Wacken Festival, DPA, Passau, and piglets to visit on the highway makes for confusion
A young pig on the highway 3 in Passau caused some confusion. A motorist called the police when he saw the Piglet, but the patrol officers have been able to find on the track, not the pig, the police announced in Passau. Two hours later, the animal was recorded from a car as it tried to cross the road. However, after the collision, the car and driver intact remained, was missing from the piglets back to each track. As the animal came on Friday morning on the motorway is unclear.
source: Reuters
Thunderstorms hit parts of Germany children from a tent camp saved
Over Parts of Germany have raged a violent storm. In lower Saxony, Dinklage was evacuated in heavy rain a tent camp. Around 120 children had been billeted in a school, said Deputy city fire chief. In the city there have been 16 water-related operations. Several cellars were full, as well as a Hotel was concerned.
In the case of a lightning strike in the Eichsfeld in Thuringia, four people were injured. They came with the ambulance to the hospital, as a spokesman for the rescue coordination centre said. Details of the exact circumstances of the incident in the vicinity of Leinefelde-Worbis were not yet known.
The Berlin fire Department called due to a lightning storm a state of emergency. The helpers moved to 80 weather-related operations, and it said in a message on Twitter. At the airports Tegel and Schoenefeld there were delays. For the second Time in two days, was cleared in the afternoon, the festival site of the Wacken Open Air due to a lightning storm. Already on Wednesday, the part of the terrain that was open at the time already had to be cleared because of a thunderstorm.
source: Reuters
the news from Germany of Friday, 2. August 2019
Berlin: the severe weather over the capital – water damage in the fire brigade buildings
The Berlin fire Department has to call because of a bad weather on Friday again a state of emergency weather in the capital out. The helpers went to 80 weather-related operations, it said in a message on Twitter. The exception state means that the wagers are processed according to their urgency instead of chronologically.
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