The traditional image of leadership is changing: Gone are the times when leaders moved in to your send to individual offices back and away from the Team decisions felled seem. It was not the intention that the heads had to come clear. However, common ideas or Beliefs were not just developed in the Team. At that time, the supervisor gave simple instructions and they were followed. But it is no longer running. Who has personnel responsibility, can not swing just the hierarchy-leg.

personal responsibility and managers

Home-Office, Remote-Work, flat hierarchies, project-related Teams: In the world of work is doing things. And this has an impact on the leaders of tomorrow. Especially the “Soft Skills” – that is, the soft attributes off of University degrees or certificates, will be increasingly important, writes Bas Kohnke, founder of Impraise – a Feedback platform for employees, in the case of “Fast Company”.

In our photo gallery we present some of the new management skills for the leaders of tomorrow is important.

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