for months, the prospect of a Hardware-retrofitting of Diesel cars with high pollutant values in Germany can start.

The Federal motor transport authority (KBA) granted after the presentation of the Bamberg technology provider Dr Pley on Friday, the first General operating permit for diesel retrofit. This relates to kits for Volvo models retrofit. Soon permits for vehicles of Daimler and BMW is to be expected.

It is reported to be the first Time that such a System had been approved in Germany. Previously, the “mirror” and the “Bayerische Rundfunk reported” about it. The aim is that retrofitted vehicles from driving can be prohibited are the exception. The modifications to the engine are part of a package of measures to the government for better air. In accordance with the requirements of the KBA, the converted cars in the real operating launch is still 270 milligrams of nitrogen oxide per kilometre, in order to become a driving ban, spared.

The KBA have granted to the retrofit kit for Volvo models with a 2.0-or 2.4 – Liter diesel engines, the Euro 5 exhaust standard, an operating licence, was confirmed by Dr Pley. This includes the volume of the models XC60, XC70, S60, V60. For Daimler models, a KBA permission to 31. July expected, for BMW models to 15. August.

German manufacturer had agreed after a long debate on subsidies for Hardware retrofits. Are you in favour of Software, in order to improve the exhaust gas values. A nationwide ban on driving for Euro-5 Diesel, there is so far not in any German city.

The Dr Pley developed System for retrofitting in Diesel passenger Cars emission standard Euro 5 will produced by Bosal Retrofit Gmbh and marketed, so the company continues. It referred to the KBA data, according to which, nearly 5.6 million Euro-5 Diesel passenger Cars on Germany’s roads.

The Federal motor transport authority and by the Federal Ministry of transport, there was initially no comments.

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