Hingst, The blogger and historian, Marie-Sophie, who is said to have invented for themselves a Jewish family’s history, is dead. Their mother Cornelia, confirmed Hingst on Sunday, the German press Agency in Berlin, without wishing to comment on the circumstances of the death of their daughter. She described her daughter Sophie as “highly gifted, and high risk”.

First, the newspaper “The Irish Times reported” that hung on 17. July in Dublin found dead had been. She had been awarded in 2017 as the “blogger of the year”. In March of this year by Hingst, published picture book “the history of art as a bread topping appeared at Dumont”.

Marie Sophie Hingst from the “mirror” revealed,

The “mirror” had reported in June that in Ireland, living in the 31-Year-old, both in your Blog “Read on, my dear, read on,” as well as to the archives of the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial on false information about her ancestry had made. In consequence of the report she was known, the price of the team “The Golden Blogger” again but.

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