Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow
In the Palace of public services at ENEA will host a lecture “the Four main fact about cancer”, informs a portal of the mayor and government of Moscow. Read it chief oncologist of the Moscow Department of health Igor Katkov.
the Lecture, timed to the world day of struggle against cancer, will begin on 11 February at 19:00. Katkov talk about the risk factors of developing cancer and how they affect the body. We will also learn how to reduce the risk of cancer, why is prevention is better to identify at an early stage and who must undergo annual surveys.
Also at the lecture raised forms of cancer and the cancer care system in Moscow. As stressed by Katkov around Oncology has always been a lot of myths, and with the development of the Internet became even more.
“There are many sites where you posted a completely unverified information. Often even refer to the leading experts and doctors who have no say in this relationship,” he said.
In 2019 cancer in the early stages (first and second) was found in 56.4% of cases. Another 23.3% of malignant neoplasms diagnosed at the third stage. At a very advanced, stage IV, when there was already distant metastases, cancer was detected in 20.3% of cases. In the structure of mortality the greatest weight are tumors of the lung, stomach, colorectal and breast cancer.
Chief oncologist of the Russian Federation Andrey Kaprin said that often in its early stages in Russia are diagnosed with breast cancer, colorectal cancer and tumors of the cervix. He also noted that by 2024, up to 65% of all malignant tumors should be diagnosed in the early stages. This should earn a full screening programme in all regions.
In February, Moscow will host the campaign on free diagnosis of six types of most common cancers. Citizens will be able to participate in the examination of woundsher detection of breast cancer, cervical, prostate, lung and colon cancer.
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