Photo credit: TASS/Yuri Smityuk
Citizens of most interesting thing would be to go to relax and have fun in the Crimea, Baikal, Altai Krai, Sochi and St. Petersburg. This was announced by the head of the Center for the development of regional policy Ilya Graschenkov.
“If you consider the details sociology, polls, it turns out that almost equal number of respondents of all ages, all social strata, fields wanted to go to rest in the Crimea”, – said the Graschenkov.
At the presentation of the joint research centre and the centre for the development of regional policy he also added that most of the respondents “want to go relax on the beaches and any other recreation, and for cultural attractions and new experiences”.
the Second largest potential rating after a culture is to nature and the animal world. In this sense, the most promising region is Kamchatka, which until recently was “conserved region”.
“Next comes the abstract Siberia (10%), that is, people do not really know where they went, but Siberia as a General idea is also in the lead, and from it by a small margin of Karelia (9%)” – quoted expert RIA Novosti.
Among the reasons why the Russians are not traveling, you can highlight the high cost and lack of time. At the same bad service bothers only 3%, and the problems of transport, low comfort – only 2% said the Graschenkov.
the Survey was conducted “polls-Sputnik” 13 and 26 November 2019 among 1.6 thousand of Russians over the age of 18 by telephone using random sampling, stationary and mobile. The maximum size of the error with 95% probability does not exceed 2.5%.
In 2019, the most popular destination was Turkey. In this country the Russians acquired a 41.9% from the total number of sold package tours. The second place is Cyprus with a performance of 10.8% of the sold vouchers. Russia closes the top three, ahead of Thailand.
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