According to our data, the first and second reading of the bills will pass in the Duma on 31 March and 1 April. All of the eight legislative initiatives, all of them are already brought in the state Duma.
Measures are very different: there are increased penalties for violation of quarantine COVID-19, and permission to sell medicines online, and child benefits.
the Purpose of all emergency measures is the same – to prevent the emergency that is coming into the economy and safety of people in connection with the increase in the number of cases of coronavirus infection. But if, in relation to increasing penalties for violation of quarantine measures was almost no one there’s no doubt, experts agree that it is necessary to prevent emergency situations, the proposed economic measures are seen as part of the expert is insufficient.
“of Course it is good that we will adopt a package of laws that support people and businesses, says economist Andrei Nechayev. For example, will be extended benefits for utilities. But in my opinion, people are not benefits, and cash is now needed! I have long said that it is more important to completely abolish personal income tax for the poor. And ahead to index pensions to retirees. They would take the money to the market and supported thereby business”, – said the expert.
He also criticized the amount of financial support that the government is going to provide to citizens and business.
“now everyone is discussing the postponement of loans, but what’s the use for the poor in the delay – they have no mortgage, they are not affected. The Americans went the other way – they have now decided to give out $ 3,000 for a family, and the kind of support they receive millions of families.
Or let’s compare how many there are going to allocate to anti-crisis measures and how much we have? Right now, the U.S. Congress adopts anti-crisis programme 2.2 trillion. dollars, and we had announced that 300 billion rubles at the current exchange rate is approximately $ 4 billion. Even if the President then will increase, still work perfectly asopostaimie things” — says Andrei Nechaev.
“the Government, on the one hand promises to the business, and on the other imposes on him an inordinate burden. I mean – the obligation to pay wages during the forced off-hours weeks, which will inevitably lead to a reduction in gross domestic product.
Another extremely controversial measure – a tax on income from deposits and securities of more than 1 million rubles. We are hitting the middle class, which, on the contrary, it is necessary to maintain and protect. In General, I have a lot of questions to the authors of these anti-crisis measures”.
“the Measures taken to support the business, very correct, says corresponding member of RAS, doctor of economic Sciences Ruslan Grinberg. – But insufficient. We do not want to open the proverbial pod. In other countries, no of pods no, but they support small and medium businesses allocate from 7 to 12 % of GDP, and we are only 0,3 to 0,4%. And it’s certainly not normal, because the small and medium business will now suffer the most. I think it’s reasonable to allocate subsidies to these enterprises for the salary. That’s what they do now in Europe.”
the Economist said that business needs cash, not tax breaks: “We are not as rich as the US, so won’t be able to give out fifteen hundred dollars per person, but to support people in such critical situation you need. Maybe even by printing money.”
in the meantime, all measures mentioned by the government, says the economist, more like PR than real help to people and businesses in difficult life situations.
see also: opening hours week: necessary, but destructive