The sentence of the piece policy of the case of the ERE not interfere in the election campaign of 10-N. The Court Superior of Justice of Andalusia has awarded the judge-rapporteur, José Antonio Calle Peña, a period of 15 days to the end of writing one of the failures expected, the time invested in its production, more than 10 months, and by the transcendence of the same, since the conclusions will determine the future of 21 former officials who occupied positions of responsibility in the Governments of andalusia, led by the PSOE for more than two decades, including historical references of socialism as the former presidents of the Junta, Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán.


The elections planned on the judgment of the ERE The andalusian Parliament cited Chaves, Griñán and Diaz in the midst of the campaign to declare for the expense of a foundation, The final phase of the judgment of the ERE would match with the campaign andalusian

The socialist party get to dodge during this campaign -influenced by the judgment of the procés, and the exhumation of the remains of Franco – the political effects of a case, since it erupted in 2011, has been used by the PP to counteract the effect of the media of the scandal of the corruption scheme of the Gürtel, despite the fact that none of the processed by the ERE is accused of having profit from illicitly or with the funds intended for aid and labour to companies in crisis have served to finance illegally the Socialist Party. “The case of the ERE has been presented to public opinion as the Gürtel of the PSOE, despite the fact that here there is no shadow of illegal financing or corruption”, points to this daily one of the lawyers of the defendants. “It is a clear-cut case of criminalization of the political responsibility,” says another of the lawyers.

The image of a generation of politicians socialists sitting on the bench of the accused has had an important symbolic and has passed a huge bill and policy staff to their team members. None occupy any public office or is already part of the socialist ranks. The Prosecution accuses them of participating in a different degree in the development and implementation of a specific procedure to facilitate the early retirement and accelerate the public aid to undertakings in difficulty with “totally opaque”, which was formed to bypass deliberately the control of the general intervention of the Board and be able to award grants to companies related to the PSOE. The public prosecutor asks convictions for embezzlement for 14 of the 21 former senior officials face prosecution, and trespass for all of them. For Chaves claimed a 10-year ban for trespass and for Griñán, six in prison and 30 of disqualification for embezzlement continued and trespass.

this is Not the first time that the trial of the ERE plans on electoral processes. The advancement of the elections from the autonomous region in Andalusia to the December 2 led to the final phase of the trial -the reading of the final reports of the defenses – to coincide with the campaign of andalusia, to which was joined to the hearings forced by the PP in the commission of inquiry on the financing of political parties Senate of Chaves and Griñán. Sources close to the dome of the PSOE in andalusia see it “logical” for the deferment of the judgment. “This is a process that is eminently political and must therefore be fulfilled to the maxim that justice does not interfere with the electoral process,” the ministry said.

The new deadline of 15 days does not imply, indicate sources of the TSJA, that the judgment have to be ready in that period of time or is notified to then. “There are many possibilities: That the magistrate is to incorporate and finish what he is working on his section, ask for more release time, the finish on these dates…. Only he will know how it advances is last phase”, pointing from the high court of andalusia.

From the PSOE warn that “the hunt against them for desgastarles on the eve of the appointment with the polls on the part of the PP is not exhausted in the ERE”. The socialists allude to the appearances provided for the next 7 and 8 November in the Andalusian Parliament of Chaves, Griñán, the former president Susana Díaz and María Jesús Montero, the minister of Finance in office, and number one of the lists socialist by Sevilla for the general, in the framework of the commission of investigation of the now-defunct Foundation Andalusian Training and Employment (Faffe), which investigates the diversion of public funds on parties in brothels. “These appearances less than three days of the election are not casual,” argue those same sources.

The PP yesterday lamented that the citizens could not come to a vote knowing the result of the judgment and from the front Andalusia questioned the rush for them to get to know other judgments, in allusion to the judgment of the Supreme Court on the procés, and the delay in the publication of the ERE.

“One of the sentences more complex history”

last week the magistrate Calle Peña requested the TSJA a new extension of 15 days that the high court of andalusia has considered “reasonable”. The final sentence can have more than 1,700 sheets of paper, according to explicasdo the TSJA, which states that “in addition, once integrated in the document, it will be essential to your full review”. The Room of Government of the TSJA was agreed to on February 26, a total release from their duties of the magistrate Calle Peña to focus on writing the judgment of the ERE. On 10 September agreed a new extension that ended last Saturday. The other two members of the court, Pilar Llorente Rod and Encarnación Gómez Caselles, were also released for two months to accelerate the deliberation and the drafting of the judgment.

If in a first moment, the president of TSJA, Lawrence River, gave almost for granted that the judgment would be ready for the end of October, at the beginning of this month, she publicly acknowledged that it was “very complex form of writing with many problematic points, which affects many people. Are readings and re-readings in order to avoid contradictions and errors,” he said. The River described the ruling as “one of the most complex in the history of Spanish Justice”. After the case of Malaya, which was soon published 14 months, this will be the process related to the corruption that most have been slow to be clarified.

lawyers consulted agree that in this trial “will elucidate issues of highly technical and farragosas on which there is not even case-law”, which would explain both the extension of the fault —more than a thousand pages long, twice that of the procés— and the time devoted to writing. The trial was seen for sentencing last December 17, after 152 sessions spread over a year and four days. For the wording of the judgment, the court has had to study 14.200 pages divided into 38 volumes, and three discs with the statements made during the pretrial phase, the more the testimonies of 120 witnesses heard during the oral hearing, and the reports of the documentary phase, the more technical and, to the defence counsel, which can be decisive-. The failure, moreover, will mark the future of the nearly 200 separate pieces of the macrocausa, still in the investigation stage.


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