On some days, the country looks as if it could have wrapped someone in cotton wool. If mist is in the gloamin ‘ in the Arctic, fade, the contours, the sharp corners, hard edges, and everything dissolves: the colorful wooden houses of Ilulissat and the hills behind it, the boats in the Harbor and the webs. And the icebergs look out to sea, then for a short time, so dimly, as if they were not at all as as you have makes you just inserted.
In such hours, the dazzling light, that creates it otherwise, even in the farthest corner, behind the lenses of the sunglasses cheat, and between the narrow cracks of the window curtains in the Hotel disappears. Via Twitter, Greenland? Since Trump state visit in Denmark, just say from
summer in Greenland are bright, it is never dark or dim. To sink, instead, brings the sun nearing the horizon again swing and goes back up, without having previously gone under. If in the morning, but the mist is in the gloamin’, the sun, and a diffuse, orange-coloured shimmer lies over the Land.
Greenland is one of those places where you feel, as you would no longer be on this world. Already while approaching the largest island of the earth, one has a strange feeling, because you can see just ice cream, an eternity seems to go to. There, where the ice stops, starts almost instantly, the water, and the in-between on the narrow strip of The Greenland, which can be visited. More than 80 percent of the land area lying under a frozen tank, from which it was said a few years ago, it would last forever. Space for the people is only at the edges. In Kangerlussuaq, for example.
musk ox on the Golf course
Until a few years ago the place was on the West coast not much more than a collection of houses, halls and a sandy Golf course, the players today need to share with the musk oxen. But now it has developed in this part of Greenland is a tourist infrastructure. Hotels and Hostels, tour operators and taxi drivers to use only well-heeled cruise passengers, but also “Lonely Planet”-reader and Instagram-Influencer, the spectacular scenery, with Selfie Sticks and carts and hand kisses towards the camera lens throw. If you have seen the world, remains a still-Greenland, said it used to be. This time has now dawned, apparently.
Daily Greenland is losing about a billion tons of ice cream, a part of it in the West
©Universal Images Group
Kangerlussuaq is, if you will, is the pivotal point for Trips up to Disko Bay and Ilulissat, the most photographed place on the island. At first glance, the settlement with its crimson red, mint green and mustard coloured houses, so perfect, as if it was only set as a photo backdrop on the rock.
it is Only when you look closer, you will discover discarded cookers, rusty snowmobiles and all the other garbage of Civilization, to fight with every place in the seclusion of the far North has. There is a shopping centre, a Museum for the Greenlandic-Danish Arctic Explorer and ethnologist Knud Rasmussen, and a soccer field lie on the Greenland’s future national players to kick.
the birthplace of The Explorer Knud Rasmussen in Ilulissat is today a Museum.
©Biosphoto star
And everywhere are dog kennels. Because in Ilulissat almost as many sled dogs – 3500 – as people are home 4500––, is always part of the ear plugs into the Luggage: at irregular intervals and to erratic shutter the animals, place the head in the nape of the neck. Her howls mark is shocking. And it lasts endlessly.
Famous Ilulissat, but especially for his icebergs. They get driven like Structure made of a surrealist painting. Some of them look actually look like mountains, with jagged peaks and peaks, others are more reminiscent of medieval castles. Or Football Stadiums. Or Aircraft Carrier. You spend hours watching as you drift past. And even in moments where you don’t pay attention to it, surface again and again in the corners of the eye.
huskies pull a sleigh through the snowy landscape. In some regions of the island, there are so many dogs, like people,
©Arctic photo/Laif star
life is fast, of Course, you have to photograph them. All that you see. And all several times. If you show the shots later at home friends, you will be able to own enthusiasm not quite share. Because even the greatest photos are no substitute for the feeling you feel when one of these white giants is driving a few Hundred meters on the sea.
living with climate change
The ice fed, the Inuit from the Ilulissat icefjord. Previously, they were hunters and in the long winters of Greenland with their dog-sleds on the ice to hunt seals. Since the water freezes but only for a few weeks in the year, many have to seek a different Livelihood. Some have become fishermen, and now, with kayaking and fishing on-the-go instead of huskies and weapons. Others take tourists to the Sightseeing of the glacier tongue in the ice fjord. There you stop the engines, and if your passengers will have plenty of photos, show them on the map how far the glacier has moved in the past years. On paper, it’s just a few inches. In reality, there are kilometers.
About 4,000 musk ox on Greenland home, here in Kangerlussuaq
©Nature in Stock and strawberries
Now, the Greenlanders have made potatoes have always been the Best out of your Situation. So as you have with the ice cream lived, try, today, to the new conditions. Further South on the island, where a large part of the overall, only 56000 resident is home, are long since grown potatoes. In the past few years, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers and carrots were added. Even with strawberries is experimented, and the iceberg lettuce is thriving. Chefs such as Casper Malcow (in Ilulissats Restaurant “Ulo”) and Björn Johansson (from the “Sarfalik” in the capital Nuuk) combine roots halibut and crab with parsley and reindeer with a carrot puree to the impressive creations and have earned a worldwide reputation. Well possible that the next New Nordic Cuisine comes from Greenland.
nature film-makers documented the Greenland glaciers are melting so fast as never: 10 billion tons of ice in 24 hours!
About all you can think about, if you wander on his last night in a wide arc out to the ice fjord, over hills, covered with thick, soft mosses, and Lichens. On the other side of the ice sheet, on Greenland’s East coast, would be a Wanation dangerous to life, because there will be a live polar bear. Here in the West of the island, but it does not exist. Now and again a Seagull zetert somewhere in the sky, and sometimes the Howl of the huskies out of the place across echoes quiet, otherwise you hear nothing. Nothing except the Wind comes from the Greenland sea and the North sea and the travels through the grasses.
off the coast of huge icebergs drifting in the sea
©Paul Harris/plainpicture/STL star
Ilulissats ice fjord is one of those landscapes in this world, for a once the words are missing. The Fjord is full of icebergs, and almost by the minute new ones come out. Then it grinds and grumbles, you hear the noise and don’t know first where it comes from and where it should now look better very quickly, but the disorientation lasts for only a moment or two: The ice walls, the cancel from the end of the glacier and fall into the water, are not to be overlooked. For a Moment it seems as versänke the glacier piece. Then it appears and does as an iceberg on the way in the direction of the open sea.
More than 20 million tons of ice to swim every day from the ice fjord from the direction of the Atlantic, shimmering and shiny, oscillates between brilliant White and translucent light blue. Also, the iceberg, the Titanic rammed at that time, probably came from here, from this glacier, from this Fjord. At that time, some hundred years ago, the symbol of the drifting ice giants capitalized fear and terror.
football in Ilulissat
©Antoine Lorgnier/only world.Net star
Today, you awaken in many people the whole of other feelings. Make you aware of how fragile and fragile, even the mightiest nature is. Maybe you come in to your sight also to the idea that our presence can be on earth just the result of a cosmic bug handle. That we were not actually intended for this world, because she is much too good for us. And far more than we deserve.
tips on accommodations, Restaurants, places to see in Greenland
overnight Stay
Hotel Icefiord: In this views of the Fjord can be the interior no matter – you look anyway mostly out of the window. And is pleasantly surprised when it turns around three times. DZ about 275 Euro, Ilulissat, Jørgen Sverdrupip Aqq. 10, Tel. +299/94/4480, www.hotelicefiord.com
the Hotel Kangerlussuaq: anyone Who spends his first night in Greenland, suspects, that he should not have high expectations for the Arctic the hotel industry: Kangerlussuaqs the first house on the square meets only Motel standards. But you’re not here to sit in the room. DZ about 230 Euro, Kangerlussuaq, at the Airport, Tel. +299/84/ 1180, www.hotel kangerlussuaq.gl
Hotel Hans Egede: large house in Greenland’s largest town, very good Restaurant. DZ about 280 Euro, Nuuk, Aqqusinersuaq 1, Tel. +299/34/8000, www.hhe.gl
food and drink
Ulo: ever Been to a musk ox steak tasted? In this Brasserie, you can do it. And at the same time watch the icebergs pass by. Ilulissat, Mittarfimmut Aqqutaa B-1128, in the Hotel Arctic, Tel. +299/94/7263, www.hotelarctic.com/de/brasserie-ulo
Roklubben: The Restaurant looks like a shack, in the summer, tables and benches in the yard. The calories you can burn after eating quickly: The Roklubben is a good bit outside of Kangerlussuaq. Lake Ferguson, Tel. +299/ 84/1996, www.aac.gl/restaurant roklubben
Sarfalik: Whether reindeer, halibut, or trout – is also here as well as everything from the Region. To be the best Restaurant in Greenland’s capital. Nuuk, Aqqusinersuaq 1, in the Hotel Hans Egede Tel. +299/34/8000, www.uk.hhe.gl/ restaurant-sarfalik
Tour of the ice fjord: you absolutely have to do. Maybe twice, even. Or three times. The sight of the icebergs around you, you will never forget. Bookings, for example, in Ilulissat Tours, Tel. +299/55/3696, www.ilulissattours.com
Nuuk Water Taxi: With the “Ice Force 1” not only are the waters around Nuuk explore. The company also offers fishing trips and Hiking tours. Nuuk, Hans Egedesvej 29, Tel. +299/5456 90, www.watertaxi.gl
musk ox Safari: Local Guides to the great shaggy found mostly in the vicinity of the settlement. And with a little luck, even reindeer. Bookings at www. arctic-adventure.dk
Knud-Rasmussen – Museum: The exhibition is devoted not only to the famous polar Explorer, who grew up in this house, but also of the regional settlement history. Ilulissat, Nuisariannguaq 9, Tel. +299/94/7662
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