The major cities in Asia are among the most visited cities in the world, a survey by the British market research Institute Euromonitor. The company has due to overnight a Ranking of the most sought-after cities in the world numbers. A clear space of 1 Hong Kong lands with 27.9 million visitors, behind Bangkok follows with 22.5 million. On place 4 and 5 Singapore (17.6 million) and Macau (17.3 million) to land. London (19.8 million to space 3) could slide in the Ranking as one of two European Cities in the Top 10. Paris landed, with 15.8 million visitors to the 6 place.

But what visitors are for Euromonitor? Included in the evaluations of arrivals from abroad, the visitors had to stay for at least 24 hours in the city. It did not matter whether or not you wanted to do as a tourist on holiday or the trip was business led.

parts of the city in Check: Low Rents, cheap life: These cities are worthwhile for students Fullscreen

leisure, pub density, the Party scene and the fun factor are in Cologne is above average. The city on the Rhine also makes students up to its reputation as the place to Party all the glory. But the has its price: Up to 16,93 student numbers per square meter for rent rooms. For that you get a good transport and good shopping possibilities.

©RudyBalasko/iStock photos cities Ranking: tourists or Business travelers?

And that is exactly the watered-down this study as strong. Because in the discussion of “over tourism”, i.e. the Überansturm of tourists to the most popular cities, uses this Ranking to only a limited extent. The Asian cities are for business travelers to important destinations, many large corporations from the West have their Asia Headquarters. And even the big companies from the Asian region reside, of course, spaces in these areas. Cities such as Singapore or Dubai, even for German Business travelers on the list of important goals. For Asian business travelers, the Top cities are even much more important.

The distinction is not unimportant, especially because tourists are a burden on the cities. Clogged infrastructure, garbage, crowded inner cities and attractions are the flip side of a successful tourism efforts. Business travelers occupy the beds of the hotel and use the city’s infrastructure, but they are for the cities, a much lesser Evil.

a Lot of trees and Parks Which are the greenest cities in the world and is located in Germany By Till Bartels

The study authors themselves see, especially of the tourism as a driving force for the development of in the Ranking. So Hong Kong locke with great shopping centers, but also with mountains and nature. And London, after all, the most important financial centre in Europe (at least until the Brexit), is shown in the study, rather than huge infrastructure Problem. That the Ranking is, however, but also an indicator for tourist destinations, not show the rankings – but the destinations that are thrown out. Thus, the Tunisian cities of Jerba and Sousse and Sharm el Sheikh slipped in the past few years, from the Ranking, as a result of the terrorist attacks and the resulting decline in demand of tourists to these destinations, according to the study authors.

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