it is expected to be one of the most popular technology gifts of the year: Alexa and her home, the Amazon voice speakers Echo, in countless households. Yet so intuitive to use by language is, some things you should know before commissioning.

Without the appropriate Alexa-App Amazon Echo doesn’t work in the first place. With the Android and iOS App available do not set Echo. There you can adjust Echo your own taste. You can find the settings by tapping the Alexa App on the top left on the three dashes, and then select “settings”.

+++ Amazon Echo listens to them all the time – here you can hear what he is recording. +++

An Echo just for me

In the settings you can customize the Echo. For example, by teaching him his location. In addition, you can enter his work route, to ask in the morning, according to the traffic situation. And you can customize his recap of the day’s news, sports news, or celebrity gossip to add. So Alexa has exactly the information ready that you want to have really.

suitable for children, Alexa?

Amazon places a lot of importance to the fact that Alexa is also good with the Little clear. She always remains polite, even the jokes are not always suitable for children’s ears. An explicit parental controls but there are not. If the Little ones want Gangsterrap or after the answer for the math homework questions, met Alexa the request without hesitation. You should always keep in the back of the head. The greatest danger: If you are not careful, to buy the children any of these things on Amazon.

to prevent accidental purchases

From the factory, Alexa can just order products over the network. To accidental – or secret – Shopping-tours to view, select in the settings “language shopping”. Now you can either turn off the buying by Alexa, in whole or in a PIN Code that locks the purchases. Because you have to say it in front of Alexa according to the, he remains not long before the children of secret. After all, you no longer have to buy from.

Alexa with no Prime

The voice purchases, as it is only available for Prime customers. The Echo also works fine without Amazon’s Premium subscription, but some features less, about the reproduction of music via Amazon Music. Instead, you can use for example Spotify or Apple Music or the Radio via Tune-In to hear. In the settings under “music” is a different service than Amazon Music as the default select.

New Echo devices, such As Amazon with small steps Apple runs away From Malte Mansholt Spotify properly use

Unfortunately, not everyone Spotify allowed to listen to users, even over the Echo of music: It is a paid Premium is required subscription with the Streaming service. When listening to music on Spotify, it’s not enough to call Alexa a title and artist – it is also always the additional must be hanged “…on Spotify” in it.

the Skills of the new Apps

What are the Smartphone Apps, in Alexa is the Skills. You can extend the functionality considerably. Alexa can call on the “Mytaxi” is a Taxi or by “Tagesschau” news of the day news presenters to read out. New Skills can be found in the App. To start a Skill, you have to ask Alexa but have to do so explicitly, such as “Alexa, ask the chef for a recipe for Apple pie.”

a voice-controlled speaker, “Alexa, where’s the pacifier?” – Amazon Echo changes in our family life By Malte Mansholt Clear

stay To Alexa, a consequences can be, should Express commands simple and clear, even when Alexa comes with dialects is clear. The assistant gets to know their owners better, you can start at some point with the Mumble. It is expressed to be complicated, is overwhelmed by the smart Computer with the best high German.

Alexa Stop!

When Alexa sees again nothing or Accidentally start, with the simple exclamation “Alexa Stop” immediately to Silence and reset the command. After that you can start in the rest of the front.


Even if the Echo is always listening, waiting for it to be a code word. You want to protect for a certain amount of time, his privacy from accidental Eavesdropping, you can switch off with the Mute button on the top of the device is the microphone. Then the Ring lights up on the edge of the red. Only when you press the button again, hear the Echo again.

Alexa anders

baptisms responds To what the code word “Alexa”, you can change, by the way. Very handy when there is an Alexa, or Alex in the household. The Option is located in settings under the name of the respective echoes. Quite creative, one must not be. Except for Alexa, only “Amazon”, “Echo” and – according to the model of the “Star Trek” – “Computer”.


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