Mr Jaud, they have revived the Genre of the men in the novel again. Many say that would have stayed dead. What do you say to them?
So if I could revive it, it was obviously not really dead. If someone is in Need, then I’m just.
Very precious. We hear from the book industry always Writes books for women – just buy and read. Who are your customers? Confused Women?
I’m rarely in the case of Thalia, or, in Mayer’s wait to see who buys my books, so I know my readers only of readings. Because I see not only women but also many men, and especially no one was confused in the past.
her new work “The lion” is büllt of a man with professional and personal problems of the power, instead of with his meditation addict wife with his mother club holiday in Spain. Summarized sufficiently?
not Really, but for the star it is okay. I can try it, too: In the book it’s about a stressed-out forty-something who is sent after a number of tantrums in the office of his boss in the forced vacation: Either Nico relaxed there, or he will be fired.
I said …
I’m not done yet. The Problem is that Nicos the Chef monitored the relaxation progress via the fitness tracker and Nico, his mother brings. There is the question: The mother of some Good poses to do in the holidays and at the same time to relax – is that even possible?
Jaud was as a writer for TV shows like “RTL Friday night” and “Ladykracher” and
©Patrick Runte/star
Has read her mother’s book in advance? You could possibly come up with the idea to have inspired you this grumpy pain in the ass?
you didn’t read it, she has to advise me even. After that, I knew that I Also do strange things in their eyes.
What is it?
Bundesliga, look on the phone, the suitcase only an hour before the departure pack up or eat sausages for Breakfast. And luckily, my Roman mother Rosi is not my own mother, otherwise I would have to pick me probably help.
Who or what inspired you to do?
however, on some whim, I gave my novel mother, have I supported myself on my self. I have a nose shower, fiepe in my sleep and am a vacuum cleaner addict: When you first crumbs under the dining room table, I haste to battery sucker.
Funny, it is, your book …
This is going to sound a bit like she had decided before, that it is not funny.
I Had feared. But let’s be honest: “noise gay” entertainers, tumb-annoying moms, tattooed slut, crazy esoteric. It may be that you tend to be a third to clichés ?
you forget to Tui Buh the club Ghost. And I’m not prone to clichés, I love you! You were in a vacation club?
I But. Since this is the only clichés running around really fast, and I could be way you will, about the place. That’s why the club is büllt in “The lion”, only set the stage for the actual story, and it is not a noise gay entertainers, the slipping on banana peels, but anger, jealousy and growing up, although it is already beyond the 40. And to the death it is also.
Sounds autobiographical.
it Is also. When my father died, I realized how difficult it is for many to do with the topic. Helped us at that time, of all things, our undertaker. Has taken the leaden Heaviness of the grief, he said: “Yes, it is sad, but in the end we all must die, and that is a good thing, otherwise the queue in front of the buffet is too long.”
In your book you describe also relish the excesses of the so-called AUM-Meditation, practiced in the wife of your hero. Have you tried this Meditation for research purposes?
Not for research purposes, I am a volunteer, and was all ready after that. The idea here is to go in a group through all of the essential feelings of life, to see where you have deficits.
Up to this evening I always thought that I was angry. Now I know Others are much, much angrier. I was screaming, hugging, full of crying, and I wild tell strangers that I love you. With anger and sadness I had problems, maybe come out so accurately in this book. What came to me surprisingly easy, was to make people Laugh.
How to write funny? It is necessary to be in any state of emergency or just drunk?
In Cologne is always kind of a state of emergency, the helps, of course. So, just getting eyes on and write it all down, what you see, the young father, for example, pushes his stroller with Noise-canceling headphones through the Park and into the phone, staring at it.
I heard you hate lists. You are 48 years old. What three things must a man until his 50. The age of have made?
True, I find lists pointless. What I have hitherto made, I have to tell you, but be fond of: firstly: a Rammstein concert seen (I got tickets for Riga). Secondly, for more than two hours of mountain Biking, without falling in with a stomach cramp from the wheel, and thirdly, finally a suction wiper buy for the Sucking and Wiping of hard floors in one step!
What do you want to tell me about your private life?
I Look as if I wanted to get rid of what? What would you know?
Are you still with this very sympathetic woman, I met her once, years ago at the book fair?
Yes, and I in the meantime even asked whether they could imagine to marry me.
What did she say?
she could imagine.
Oh, my goodness, are you married now or not?
Yes, and then even happy.
photo: Fischer-Verlag
no, the title of Jauds new novel has no spelling errors. He is, in fact, “The lion büllt”. Because to the chagrin of the heroes of Nico Schnös whose mother is told in the joint club holiday the other guests without being asked, that sweet voice had the error of the son once. The book is over scars, sometimes close to the cliché, but it is very funny and often surprisingly deep. (Fischer-Verlag, € 16.99)
Like your wife your books?
Up on “Überman”, Yes. But of course, the distance, missing her. You get every day, what I write. I ask you often for advice, and she has a good sense. It is, by the way, Nina Schmidt, and is himself the author.
you have a civil service in a Kindergarten. Do you want to own?
We already have ten to twenty. Are not our own, but that of the neighbors, but keep us pretty busy, if you romp in the yard. But because we have to be politically correct, we know this is not a children’s noise, this is music of the future. Seriously: We don’t want to reproduce, we are also so very happy.
you have incredibly sold a lot of books. The coal is not enough for a quiet house in the countryside close to Cologne?
might be Enough, but what should I write there? I have to RUB myself and notice what is going on. I need the city. A philosopher-beggar in front of the Rewe, I would not have met in the Green, probably, and cuddly-cry-Meditation, because there’s not also.
you Admire someone?
Elon Musk, because he brings power, instead of babbles and his visions. Tim Brewer for his strength to show weakness. And I admire humble people, people who have the ecological footprint of a Sparrow, without wanting the whole world to be converted.
types as we both are now often referred to as the “old white men”. Does it bother you?
that bothers Me, rather the “men like us”. I am at least ten years younger than you!
But you look older.
For this I’m taller.
you actually Like Interviews?
Normally not, but with old white men makes it kind of fun.