Contents page 1 — Controversial bacteria shower for newborns-page 2 — long-term studies are missing On a page

read Almost every third child in Germany comes by caesarean. The Numbers are stable since many years, the method is well tested. It is undisputed, however, that cesarean section children’s diseases Asthma, allergies, bowel and immune deficiencies, as babies who were born naturally (Pediatrics: Sevelsted et al, 2014). And three-quarters of the newborns the diseased germs in the Hospital, caesarean section, children. It is unclear why.

current guess: Because they do not pass through the birth canal miss caesarean section children tonic germs, especially lactic acid bacteria from the vaginal area of the mother, who hides the newborn on the skin, in the mucosa and in the gastro-intestinal area to settle. The resulting Trend: bacteria of the mother can be targeted to bind with a swab or gauze in and on the newborn child sown, in order to influence the bacterial flora is positive and to strengthen the immune system. Vaginal Seeding, the method is called.

“parents are actually more and more frequently, in accordance with the procedure and midwives there is currently a big issue internationally,” says biologist Susanne Steppat by the German midwife Association. Because the presumption is correct, then this would have to physicians, Doctors and midwives to reconsider the obstetrics fundamentally. To say so far, but no one knows whether the bacteria will help seed, if Yes, for how long, and whether you are not carries at all risks for the child – at the same time, more and more emperors are already cut soaked newborns in vaginal secretions.

it is Unclear how long the effect lasts

First tiny trial evidence to provide at the very least, that the Vaginal Seeding at all on the bacterial flora of the child affects. So researchers collected indoor and researchers, for example, samples from 18 newborns and their mothers, seven children were born vaginally and with eleven more scheduled C-sections (Nature Medicine: Dominguez-Bello et al., 2016). Four of the caesarean section babies were exposed to after birth, the vaginal fluids of the mother. A day after birth, the bacterial flora was similar to that of babies, which were moistened with the vaginal secretions, significantly of the Flora of the vaginal born children. The Flora of the newborn was different. Also after a month the difference was observed.

However, as the result would be a robust number of examined newborns? How long the effect lasts? Does the Transmission really beneficial to health? All of this is questionable.

The newborn to be exposed to any other risk than children come in a natural way to the world.

Matthias Wenderlein, gynecologist

In Germany, there are still doctors who are against the method is already open. “The distance of the subject companies for me is not comprehensible,” Wenderlein says Matthias. The gynecologist, now retired, taught and conducted research for 35 years at the women’s clinics at the universities of Erlangen and Ulm – in this time, he has overseen thousands of births. Due to his experience, he was in favour of the Vaginal Seeding, says Wenderlein: “The newborn will be exposed to any other risk than children come in a natural way to the world.” The Secretion of the mother to be tested and monitored transfer.

The midwife Susanne Steppat, it looks similar. “If the parents want a happy and well-informed, I would perform the Vaginal Seeding,” she says. It is up to the parents to make the decision – “we should advise you particularly well”.


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