Gotthard-Tilmann Mette, better known as Til Mette, born in 1956 in Bielefeld and starts already as a student, to draw cartoons. From 1980 to 1986 he trained to be a teacher for art and history in Bremen, Germany. To appear already at that time his drawings in the “süddeutsche Zeitung” and “Frankfurter Rundschau”. In 1985, he is one of the founders of the “taz” of Bremen, in the regularly his Cartoons to be printed. In 1991 his first Cartoon book in Japan, more books appear to follow. In 1992, he and his wife, a PhD mathematician, in the USA , where they first lived in New York, later in New Jersey. Publications in the English “Punch” and the American “Funny Times”.

Since 1995, he signed exclusively for the star. Since the middle of 2006, Til Mette lives with the now four people grown family back in Germany. As a new home, he has chosen Hamburg.


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