The first art was cheese at the end of the 19th century. Century developed in the United States – and soon in Europe produced. This skimmed milk was mixed with liquid beef tallow, and with Lab dick. What is that supposed to bring? It was much cheaper than the conventional cheese production. to know

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Nowadays, you used other ingredients for the cheap art of cheese: water, milk -, soy -, or bacteria, protein, and vegetable oils such as palm oil as raw materials, to the part. The taste and appearance of cheese-such as Parmesan, Emmental, Mozzarella, Feta, or Camembert to approach models, used emulsifiers in the industry, in addition, flavoring and coloring agents, salt, and flavor enhancers.

But where the cheap cheese is actually used? The art of cheese or analogue cheese called is used in Germany mainly in the catering and in bakeries. For example, for Pizza, lasagna or cheese rolls. Experts estimate the production volume from art cheese to about 100,000 tons a year. And only in Germany. But a large part of which is destined for Export. Official investigations have found the art of cheese as an ingredient in approximately 20 to 30 percent of the cases that were illegally declared as cheese.

So you see the art of cheese

For consumers, the following applies: Is art cheese in the product, or even shares it, it must be made known. But this is not always evident at first glance. Because the food industry knows how to avoid a marking “with imitation Cheese”. Provider therefore with the note “baked” to the fact that the art of cheese is in the product. Or add a tiny amount of real cheese on the ingredients list. If ingredients such as vegetable fat or milk protein to the dish or as artificial cheese to serve is hard to come by.

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In the retail sector is the Analog-to-sold cheese by the way, as a “Pizza Mix”, the content is to be distinguished from grated cheese hardly. If on the menu in the Restaurant a dish as “AU gratin” is touted and no cheese is mentioned, one should be sensitive to this.

a Vegan cheese called always Analog-and-cheese, because Vegans don’t take dairy products or Lab to himself.


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