For politicians that’s usually a reason for joy – days of coverage, width of attention in social networks, pikierte political opponents. In short: a lot of attention.

Only This attention, the CDU party leader, Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer is not desired. AKK had rules on Monday for “opinion-mongering” on the Internet in wahlkamp times brought into the conversation, Background of dealing with a controversial Youtube Video – and a storm of indignation was triggered. In media and Social Media comment columns was accused of, she wanted to restrict the freedom of speech – which she rejected. But the topic is not cleared up today, what is likely to be due to a communication disaster.

Even within the CDU and CSU vehemently arguing about what I meant AKK to understand how the now is. Even German Chancellor Angela Merkel got involved in the discussion. The reactions range from “unhappy”, “very misleading” to “important and correct”. An Overview.

Not all hold the advance of the party boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer is questionable …

The Bremen CDU election winner Carsten Meyer-Heder has party boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, after your foray to the rules for “opinion-making” in the network protection. “The brutalization of the language, on Youtube but also on social channels such as Twitter or Facebook, I find quite frightening,” said Meyer-Heder, the “Rheinische Post”. Kramp-Karrenbauer have pointed out, “that on Internet portals like Youtube to blur the usual categories of freedom of expression, press and artistic freedom”. He added: “From my point of view it would be important and right, lead to a wide and open discourse about the changes in communication in politics – but also in principle.”

Similar to the Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) said the “New osnabrück newspaper”: “The party boss has made it clear that it wants to initiate a debate on the political culture in the network.” It is quite clear that the freedom of opinion for democracy to be “constitutive”. “But democracy is based on the respect for the opinions of others, and this respect is missing in debates on the net, unfortunately, often,” said Karliczek.

the backing of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU): “Everyone I know in the CDU, or any, calls for freedom of expression as a basic principle,” she said on Tuesday evening in Brussels. Media reports that you have doubts as to the Suitability of Kramp-Karrenbauer as a possible successor in the Chancellery, Merkel described as nonsense. “And I haven’t looked into in my many years of political activity with nonsense, and intense. Therefore, I do not want to comment further.”

For Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), the issue seems to be more attention than it should: “Not every post of a YouTubers should mean the end of the world”, he told the ARD-capital Studio. It is more important, to act on the Central theme of climate protection, “as a Video non-stop deal”.

… but many in the Union, the lack of understanding keeps you on your Comments to

“It should not be given the impression that the CDU trusted to a sub-optimal Choice of warfare and the question of blame for the modest election result now censor programmes and calls, in order to allow the CDU party headquarters in the future, more successful campaigns,” said the CDU Deputy Axel Fischer, the “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

The CDU politician Carsten Linnemann, referred to the Statements made by Kramp cart Builder, to the political Call of Youtubers as “unfortunate”. “We need the freedom of expression, and wants nothing more Mrs Kramp-Karrenbauer”, – assured the Deputy Chairman of the Union faction in the Bundestag, on Tuesday, the TV channel n-tv. Linnemann said, the comparison between Social Media channels and newspaper editors had been unhappy.

EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger (CDU) again criticized the handling of his party with the Video and called for a rejuvenation of the party. “Cool and young is not a bad combination,” said Oettinger, 65, of the weekly newspaper “die Zeit”. The lengthy defensive reaction the CDU had been a mistake. The party must now do everything possible to get young minds in political functions.

The former CDU Deputy Wolfgang Bosbach said he thought the party leader for the Chancellor’s fit. “She has proven to be so far-in public Offices”, the politicians, the broadcaster n-tv. “Yes, I trust you.” But in their Comments on the “opinion-mongering” on the Internet have expressed Kramp-karrenbauer “very misleading”.

Armin Laschet, Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, made at a media forum of Deutsche Welle in Bonn, expressly for the freedom of expression and quoted from article 5 of the basic law. The trained Journalist stressed: “freedom of expression is a great Good, and this 70 years ago-worded article is today fully as a fundamental right.” For the handling of AKK and their leadership circle with the Rezo Video, he says: “you may be smarter than we were in the last days.”

Bavarian land Chairman of the young Union (JU), Hans Reichhart, has admitted in an Interview with the Bavarian radio communication error of the CDU in relation to the Rezo Video. He described the response of the sister party of the CSU as “not really successful”. Rich HART: “to say, First of all, I do what to make a hanging section and then to say, Yes, I’m not doing it, and to publish a twelve-page PDF document (…) shows that we have really yet catching up to do, also in communication,” said rich HART, who is also the Bavarian construction Minister, on Wednesday. In the media debate after Annegret Kramp cart Builder’s controversial statement on the “opinion-making” on the Internet he seems to be more than “truncated”. Further, he said, should anyone ban the word. “We cannot complain over the years that the young Generation has no interest in politics, and then a discussion comes up, and then we say: ‘no, but don’t’.”

The CDU must also improve the view of your lower Saxony Chairman Bernd Althusmann communication in the social networks significantly. “We need to realize that young people in this area communicate much more and to talk to each other want to come,” said Althusmann the German press Agency on Tuesday, prior to an event in Göttingen. “Bans or stricter regulation will not help. We should attack the target and objectively deal with it.”

analysis Dedebate on opinion About STH in your communication is Not make disaster slid

for the first Time, has talked to Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer himself violently aside. Your mind games concerning the rules for “opinion-making” in the election campaign, the uncertainty of the CDU show. The Plan, to be Chancellor, you must not give up yet, says an expert.

Dieter Hoß fs / DPA / AFP


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