With the regular intake of food, beverages and tobacco lose our teeth radiant White. The looks is usually very nice and means that we no longer want to show our Smile so much. Because white teeth stand for health, beauty, and success as the faith most of the time anyway. For this reason, whitening products have Long been a veritable Hype. What is it with the over-the-counter products, and what are the usual home remedies to whiten our teeth supposedly, you can learn at this point.

Why discolor our teeth?

The bad news first: Not only are our real teeth can become discolored, but also artificial teeth and dental fillings made of plastic. Add to this that there are people who have reason to gelbere teeth than others – this depends on your genes. Because the color of the teeth is predetermined by nature, as well as their evolution with age. Thus, we have no direct influence on how transparent and thick the enamel is. Unfortunately, these two factors also determine the color of our teeth. And, unfortunately, are not all the reasons that cause discoloration. The most well-Known include:

no Matter, whether you use regularly or just every now and again to tobacco smoke significantly contributes to the fact that our teeth will discolor. Add to that the nicotine contained our (Tooth)is detrimental to health. Because the fact is that the consumption of tobacco halitosis and tooth decay promotes.

coffee, tea and red wine
Also if you are one of the luxuries, they nevertheless unsightly tooth discoloration through fine color particles which are deposited on the surface of the tooth and in the tooth enamel to penetrate – so that our teeth will discolor and no ordinary toothpaste is more important, however.

phony facts about the tuber halitosis: This is the best remedy for a garlic-Flag By Martin Thiele

poor oral hygiene
in childhood, we learn to brush our teeth at least twice a day. And that has a good reason, because whoever relieves his teeth inadequately or only irregularly of dental plaque and food residues, promotes Plaque and Tartar, both of which factors promote discoloration of the teeth as well as mouth odor also.

mouth rinses
There are special mouth rinses with ingredients such as chlorhexidine, the inflammation in the gums or other health problems in the oral cavity (including neck pain, difficulty swallowing) can help. Unfortunately, they have the disadvantage that they color our teeth yellowish. For this reason, daily use is not recommended.

other drugs may Also contribute to the fact that our teeth will discolor. Through the regular intake of antibiotics containing tetracycline, can be, for example, tooth discoloration favors that are irreversible. Especially if the teeth are still in the “development” – so in the case of children under eight years of age.

The good news, however, is that there are a variety of ways, such as tooth discoloration or even reduce can avoid. What are the natural as well as chemical additives are any good – or not – learn.

whiten teeth: What is the bleach help? Fullscreen

with a bleach-filled Rail is a popular way for white teeth

©Olga miltsova

used to be able to be called a bleaching agent only in the pharmacy purchased, nowadays there are several products to whiten teeth in every drugstore, as well as the shipping trade on the Internet. There are whitening strips and pre-made tracks are filled with a whitening Gel, Bleaching Pens and whitening powder and whitening toothpaste. Here is the question, what is good for the individual products and where the difference arises. It is an attempt at an explanation follows.

How teeth whitening works?

Before you apply one of these products, you should know first of all what is happening with your teeth at the Bleachen: Each bleach contains carbamide peroxide an active ingredient that is made up of urea (a transparent carrier gel, the taste is neutral) and hydrogen peroxide (the teeth white power) together. By Applying on the tooth surface of the active ingredient can penetrate into the tooth enamel and oxygen radicals are set free, the decomposition, in turn, the in the tooth substance contained pigments, by changing chemically. You mean, The teeth are lightened by Oxidation, and thus whiter.

Which of the whitening methods are there?

1. Whitening strips

A radio and TV personality well-known method to whiten teeth, offer Bleaching Strips. Important for you to know is in the first place, that the strips should only be used after a professional dental cleaning is applied. Otherwise it will not work this whitening method. The operation is very easy: The strips are glued to the teeth and gently pressed as soon as you are in the right Position – the gums should not be touched. After the recommended exposure time, the Strips are removed and the teeth thoroughly cleaned. Disadvantages of this method are that the films often fit over all the teeth and the spaces between the teeth are not brightened with.

2. Whitening Gel

In contrast to the Bleaching at the dentist with a custom-made dental splint to get in this method, a prefabricated Rail delivered to your home, which is filled with Gel, and then is used. Depending on what is on the packaging, you should follow the recommended exposure time. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result. In this method, it is particularly important that you do not perform the treatment carefully, the gums and the lips touch with the whitening Gel and repeat the process several times until your teeth are lightened. The result is usually quite satisfactory, however, of too long duration.

3. Whitening Pen

Also pens touted for the application of home teeth whitening. The bleaching agent is applied with a thin brush on the teeth – the art, however, is to leave the mouth open for as long until the contact time has been met, without touching the lips with the Pen. Subsequently, the teeth and interdental spaces must be cleaned thoroughly once again. The advantage here is clearly in the rapid and cheap application, the desired result can no longer sich wait. Moreover, the lightened teeth remain long and white, so the method has to be frequently repeated.

4. Bleaching powder
Currently particularly in demand bleaching with activated carbon. The black powder is used like an ordinary toothpaste, and not to free the teeth from impurities, but this also brighten. So, in theory, in practice, the work in the beginning, however, dentists warn against this method. Because the activated carbon acts as a kind of sandpaper and roughen the teeth with the time and wears off the enamel. Conversely, the teeth can be discolored and this, in turn, faster – and that would not be the sense of the thing. Therefore, this method is not recommended to Lighten up the teeth particularly.

5. Whitening toothpaste
by far The easiest and cheapest method to get its teeth at home to whiten, offers a Whitening toothpaste. The advantage is that the application of different clean-not a bit from the ordinary teeth, the result is also very promising. Because the teeth are cleaned only superficially, and on the other, it is not possible, by nature gelbere teeth by using a whitening toothpaste to lighten. The active ingredients contained therein are too low for a noticeable White effect. Apart from this, the toothpaste often contains so-called abrasive components, which abrade tooth enamel in the long term.

What about Bleaching Fullscreen

should know, A professional whitening of the teeth is at the dentist possible


no Matter what product you decide at the end of the day: Before you can test a Bleaching method at home, you should have your teeth thoroughly checked out. Whether your teeth are suitable for bleaching, can only be judged by a dentist. He examines your teeth to tooth decay, exposed tooth necks and gum problems – these factors speak against a treatment with bleaching agents. For better understanding: Are your teeth are not healthy, can penetrate the whitening products that contained active ingredient in the Tooth depth of the inner damage. In addition, only a specialist can recognize at first glance whether the tooth discoloration are superficial or in the Tooth itself are. Because only the outer stains can be removed of them self-employed, the inner, however, are treated only by a dentist professional.

furthermore, you should pay attention in the choice of products to ensure that none of the selected methods contains too much hydrogen peroxide – recommended a low dose of not more than 0.1 per cent is here. Only dentists work with a higher dosage, and this also has its reason: it Contains a whitening product too much peroxide, can be accompanied by unpleasant side effects such as temper or even verätztes gums. Your teeth should respond to the treatment, however, sensitive to heat and cold, this is usually normal and after a couple of hours. Your teeth are healthy and free of caries, are the most Bleaching methods are safe – going to the dentist is essential, however, if you want to go in.

As already mentioned in the beginning, can’t be dental fillings and dentures really bleached. Say: If you whiten your teeth, you will achieve will not be an even whitening result. Therefore, you should think well beforehand whether you create a Hand and unpleasant color effects want to take the risk or not, but rather a dentist want to visit. He works with highly concentrated lightening agents and employs a whitening lamp or a Soft Laser, so that also tooth fillings and dentures to be bleached. The professional method of course costs a lot more, but it only requires one application and lasts much longer. You inform yourself in advance about the best method for your teeth.


Only the dentist can be a professional whitening properly

©Harbucks perform home remedies Can whiten our teeth?

of Course, advertised on the Internet, many home remedies that can whiten our teeth, allegedly. One of them is baking powder or bicarbonate of soda is diluted With water, should be applied to the resulting Paste on the teeth and the toothbrush distributed. Also in this case, the powder acts like a sandpaper, the teeth are brightened in the beginning, but will be worn out in the long term, so that the enamel cracks and the colour pigments are deposited. Our conclusion is therefore: stay away from soda!

fruit acid (e.g. lemon juice) is also a recommended home remedy for bleaching. Here, too, the effect is very effective – in the long run, your teeth will be damaged as well, so that the initial success turns into its opposite. Ergo, the tooth discoloration, the bottom line is still worse than before the application. For this reason, acidic home remedies or drinks are not at all suitable to his teeth lighten. The Same is also true for salt, which is often used for bleaching.

So bend tooth discoloration in front of the Fullscreen

An electric toothbrush helps our teeth gentle on Ellen

©AndreyPopov We have already mentioned a variety of reasons why our teeth become yellow. Since most of the stains are only superficial, recommends the use of an electric toothbrush. The rotating brushes not rid your teeth gently and evenly from deposits, so that their teeth are dyed even darker. Whether you opt for a classic electric toothbrush with round towers or for a modern sonic toothbrush, you need to decide for themselves. In any case: The sooner you require, the longer you maintain your natural teeth whitening. This also applies to children in young age are still significantly whiter teeth than adults. Here, too, there are electric toothbrushes for Kids from the age of three, the early educated to maintain your teeth neat.

finally, it is better for your teeth if you stop Smoking or at least reduce – the Same is also true for the consumption of coffee. The use of more milk can cause your teeth to become discolored quite as strong. If you do not want to do without them completely, it is at least advisable to brush your teeth directly after the Drink, because the acid contained in it dissolves the minerals from the tooth surface and the teeth, therefore, vulnerable. Here it is advisable to the teeth until a half hour after that to putzen. The Same also applies to fruits, juices, red wine and soft drinks. Our saliva is needed, so to speak, a head start, to neutralize the acids. Before the teeth are particularly sensitive and can be damaged. If you stick to the 30 minutes, the short term changes in PH in the mouth back to normal.

expert opinion: the dentist

As a dentist on the over-the-counter products think? Dr. Torsten Wegner from Hamburg Dental center of St. George, a community of practice for dentistry and orthodontics, has responded to the star’s questions on the topic of:

is it True that only healthy teeth can be gebleacht? What are the requirements of a Patient, so that his teeth can be professionally lightened?

It is true that only healthy teeth can be brightened. By that we mean that the teeth have edges to be free of decay or leaking fillings and leaking Crown. Furthermore, the gums should also have no inflammation. This is the reason is important: it is Brightened with Gels that contain Peroxides. Peroxides release oxygen radicals, which are received quickly with other Compounds. When Lighten we use this reaction ability, the ring structures of the color molecules to split and thus the teeth brighter. The Penetration of Peroxidgel in leaking fillings similar reactions in the Tooth can take place, which can lead to pain Hypersensitivity. Similarly, flammable modified gums. In spite of the careful coverage of the gingival margin prior to any professional Lightening can lead to corresponding reactions between the Peroxidgelen and sore gums.

Holds the Bleachen risks and, if so, what?

risks in terms of adverse changes to the tooth surfaces, there is not in the professional tooth whitening. Through the application of highly concentrated peroxide in professional teeth whitening the soft tissue (gums / tongue and cheek tissue) is particularly to protect against chemical burns to. The coverage of these areas is a particularly important measure, and conscientiously needs to be carried out. During and after teeth whitening it can cause Hypersensitivity of the teeth, which are usually within the first 24 hours after the tooth whitening back way. These Sensitivities arise from the fact that during the teeth whitening, the teeth dry out slowly. After the tooth whitening the teeth, require a certain amount of time, until you are again through the saliva soaked through. In this time, the teeth are hypersensitive. Since this problem is known to have developed the manufacturer of professional whitening systems and gels, which quickly against these Hypersensitivities act. These are given to our patients.

What do you think of over-the-counter bleaching agents (Gel, foils, rails, powder, etc.)? Which product you think is well or less well suited for use in the home?

unfortunately, I can only conclude from the negative Reports of our patients to the fact that there is obviously no over-the-counter products that can make use of the professional whitening materials competition. Here is first noted that the legislature has set the maximum concentration of Peroxide in over-the-counter products to ten percent. Thus, the immediate effectiveness in the case of over-the-counter products has, therefore, limited. In comparison, to be applied at the professional Brighten in practice, concentrations of about 30 percent. Furthermore, slides and rails are often not precisely enough, in order to bring these low-percentage whitening agent to the site of action or to keep. We refer to the Aufhellgele for the so-called Take-Home Bleaching by the manufacturers of our In-Office products. I am therefore of the opinion that a professional Whiten in the dentist’s office from the cost-ratio is a better choice. My recommendation is to see the professional teeth whitening as a long term investment in beautiful bright teeth.

it would look like the following: rails

consultation and to take impressions for customized Whitening.Professional teeth cleaning, professional teeth whitening, and Delivery of the individual fill-in rails for the filling of the Rehydriergels immediately after the whitening and the application of professional Take-Home Gels from the same Fill-in-series.Two professional dental cleanings a year and an application of the individual fill-in rails with the professional Take-Home Aufhellgel.Our FazitEs there are a variety of bleaching agents that can contribute, when correctly applied perfectly to our teeth illuminate in the short term, Ellen.Whether the whitening is suitable for you and which method is right for you, you should discuss with your dentist in advance.For a durable result professional Bleaching is essential. The method is significantly more expensive, but in the long term, the better choice.Most home remedies are not for bleaching suitable, but have the opposite effect. Initial tooth discoloration first, and then promoted.You might also be interested in:

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