Uli Hoeness was keen to sprinkle at least a little uncertainty to its withdrawal from the top management of FC Bayern Munich. “I said that I’ll give tomorrow my decision is taken,” said the 67-Year-old at the reception for the Double-winners FC Bayern Munich at the Minister-President of Bavaria, Markus Söder on Wednesday in the state Chancellery.

A mystery is not, of course, more of what it wants to tell Hoeness on Thursday and by him referred to the Supervisory Board of the German football master, and then the Public:, The Association’s patron is the end of the year from the first of Bayern series, back.

Two factors are fuelling Hoeness’ retreat

Hoeness will stand at the end of November to the General Assembly as President. And also to chair the Supervisory Board that he wants to give up then. Both Offices will take over the former Adidas boss Herbert Hainer, 65,. “This is a long process,” said Hoeness on his decision-making.

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annoying The process was fuelled by two factors, because, quite voluntarily, the Bavaria is not-makers. The former Bavarian Prime Minister Edmund Stoiber confirmed in the state Chancellery for the first time officially, what is being peddled in the media and among Fans. In addition to private Considerations, the criticism of him had led to last year’s General Assembly and the “dispute” with the Executive Board Chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Hoeness to retreat. Exciting it could be, if Hoeness himself describes his motives.

At the annual meeting last year, was more than clear that Hoeness, the club members enjoy the full support. At that time, there was unprecedented Hoeness-Out-Calls, whistles and insults. One member even showed the North Korean flag with the words: “Not my President”. It is no secret that the event has taken Hoeness to the Mark.

Open is how far the influence of Uli Hoeness enough in the future

the duration quarrel with the Chairman of the Board Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, who have been in the past few years, a limiting factor. Hoeness and Rummenigge have different ideas about how the club is run and the development in the sport is to run. The dispute paralyzed on the search for a successor of Jupp Heynckes, the development. While Rummenigge Thomas Tuchel wanted to put across Hoeness. Finally, Niko Kovac was committed to a Hoeness-man. If Hoeness is to resign, should it be for Kovac’s hard to keep up when there are sporting setbacks. In addition, some players see the coach continues to be critical. Rummenigge has made his skepticism of the Kovac never a secret.

Rummenigge criticized Hoeness’s Statements about the Transfer policy: “If you knew, what we already have everything sure for the new season …”, had Hoeness announced cocky. “It would be better in the future, if we will not speak in Public about our operational activities,” said Rummenigge. Also for the runaway legendary press conference last year, Rummenigge made in the first Line the unbridled Temperament of Hoeness responsible. Another point of contention are the different views on player commitments. For example, in the case of James Rodriguez. Rummenigge wanted to keep the player, Kovac and Hoeness pushed for the sale.

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The question remains, how far is the retreat of Hoeness actually goes. He wants to remain a simple member of the Supervisory Board. Also, his word will have more weight. It is in view of the personality of Hoeness is likely that he will interfere and will influence. And will be heard. The 68-Year-old for over 40 years, managers and creators of the FC Bayern. The Association is to be much admired life’s work. Conversely, to Be operational influence will wane.

On Wednesday, he announced: “The help for the FC Bayern has nothing to do with the office. I’ve said that I’m always available.”

tis / Klaus Bergmann and Christian Kunz/tkr / REUTERS topics in this article Uli Hoeness FC BAyern Niko Kovac of Bayern Munich club patron Karl-Heinz Rummenigge Unimaginable Markus Söder, Adidas, Herbert Hainer, Edmund Stoiber James Rodríguez New in sports groups, Barca, Inter, Tottenham, Juve, Atlético drawn: “The fantastic Champions League nights” DPA display in star journey of the worlds: American Football live – journey to the NFL in the USA Liveblog of the draw group stage-firecracker-Loose: BVB encounters Barcelona, the Bayern and Tottenham – Bayer against Juve and Atletico Madrid! By Dieter Hoß Second League During the game: thief watch from the cabin of Hanover steals 96 DPA scandal in France, Homophobic referee Calls: interrupts Ligue-1-game – but some players are not pleased to AFP “Devastating picture” of racism and anti-Semitism: How the Chemnitzer FC increasingly DPA isolated


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