The future of Oil and gas, Wintershall DEA wants to take swipe after the completion of the ongoing merger process 800 jobs in Germany.

More than half of the staff reductions was provided at the group headquarters in Hamburg and Kassel, and another part to funding locations, was informed the two fusion partners, Wintershall and DEA. Thus, every second job of the new company in Germany, no information of the works Council.

a Further 200 jobs, will reduce Wintershall DEA in Norway, and thus a total of 1000 of the 4200 jobs in the world, – stated in the message.

The Union BCE announced opposition to the plans. “In their ambition to make the new company very nicely for the IPO, shot up the boards to lengths well beyond that,” said Michael Winkler, who sits for the Union in the Supervisory Board of Wintershall. “We can and we will not allow ourselves to like it.” A reduction of this magnitude threaten to endanger the operation of the company.

The DEA’s location in the lower Saxon village of Wietze is to be closed, according to the company; the existing lab and drill core warehouse in order to move to Barnstorf, also in lower Saxony. Up to 30. June 2024 guaranteed Wintershall and DEA, compulsory redundancies and site closures to be used. The works Council is skeptical of whether that will succeed even after that, especially as Hamburg have already been several rounds of personnel reductions.

“weaknesses in The plans for the location Germany”, said the Chairman of the DEA-General works Council, Günther Prien. Jobs would be shifted abroad, to Mexico, Stavanger and Abu Dhabi, although the Work could be done. Background the depletion of conventional Oil and gas resources in Germany, which would in the future lead to a decline of home production in Germany.

the planned growth of the company takes place exclusively abroad. The reason for this is that the Fracking technology could be mobilized with the additional Oil and gas reserves, in Germany, the society will not be accepted.

Wintershall and DEA had to be sealed last September their merger and expect the completion of the process in the first half of 2019. To Germany by leading commodity group, with around five billion euros in sales around the world involved in Oil and gas projects. He is first BASF to 67 percent to 33 percent to Letter One, a holding company of Russian oligarch Mikhail Fridman.

Later, the BASF share increases to 72.7 percent before an IPO is planned. The new company intends to the Oil and gas production by 2024, 40 percent of the 575 000 daily 800 000 barrels of oil equivalent, increase and 200 million euros per year in operating, investment and Personal savings.



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