For the year 2019, pope Francis has decided to make a message. During its first blessing of the Angelus of the year, the head of the Vatican expressed that, in his opinion, the policy is not only reserved to those who govern them, and insisted on the fact that each citizen is responsible for ” the life of the city “. “Do not think that the policy is only reserved for the ruler “, the pope said in this day of the year, which is also the 52nd world Day of peace.

“We are all responsible for the life of the city, the common good and the policy is also good in the extent where each one does his part in the service of peace,” added the pontiff argentine from the window of the apostolic palace in the Vatican, Saint Peter’s square. The theme that you want this year by the pope for this 52nd edition of the world Day of peace is ” the right policy is at the service of peace “.

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This day, instituted by pope Paul VI in 1967, had been celebrated for the first time he has 51 years old, and every year, on this occasion, the sovereign pontiff addressed to heads of State around the world a message that invites reflection on this theme.


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