pandemonium in macronie. Several members of parliament of The Republic on (LREM) are mounted to the niche to hammer, Wednesday, January 2, in the continuity of the vows of Emmanuel Macron, the will of the majority of “further reform” in 2019, as she ” has received the mandate of the French “. “We received a mandate very clearly from the French to reform, it must continue to do so,” pleaded the spokesman of deputies LREM, Aurore Bergé, on Cnews, stating it “should” be done in a method which is a method of consultation, and this is particularly the case in the great debate “. “We can continue to reform back to what was our initial DNA,” said for his part Amélie de Montchalin, vice-president of the group LREM to the national Assembly, in a column published on the website of the economic daily The Opinion.

A call to action which should make the property the couple the executive, the target of the wrath of the yellow Vests and stuck in episode 2 of the affair Benalla. As Emmanuel Macron and Édouard Philippe will have bread on the board in 2019. Reforms of the pension and unemployment insurance to the medically assisted procreation (PMA) for all, through the constitutional reform, the executive began the year in charge of six major projects, which have often been delayed. Tour of the horizon.

Read also Nouailhac – Macron can it still reform ?

pension reform

The future system “universal” pension wanted by Emmanuel Macron will work by points, which is funded by all workers up to € 10,000 gross monthly income, whether they are employees in the public and private sector. The legal age of retirement will remain fixed at 62 years, but the government remains vague on the terms and conditions of incentive for employees to work longer.

Next timing, the high commissioner in charge of the reform, Jean-Paul Delevoye, has referred to a deposit of the text after the european elections end of may and an adoption “in the flow” of 2019. But the government reshuffle in September and then the crisis of the yellow Vests have shifted the engagement sessions planned for early 2019. In the case of adoption of the act this year, the new system would come into force on the 1st January 2025. The first affected generation would be the one who was born in 1963.

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unemployment insurance

The government has a dual objective : to encourage the recovery of employment, and save between 3 to 3.9 billion euros in three years. Because of the yellow Vests, trade unions and employers have cancelled their fourth round of negotiations, expected in early December, asking the Prime minister to give them “additional time” to reach an agreement by postponing the deadline of 26 January to 22 February. Because the points of friction are many, the hardening of the rules of the activity reduced to the question of a bonus-malus on the CSD for the enterprises, from the duration of unemployment compensation, its capping and degressivity.

public Service

yellow Vests for the reform of the public service : the speech that the head of State was to pronounce on the 11th of December to “1 800 managers, and “public” has been postponed to the beginning of 2019. It must precede the draft law on public service prepared by the secretary of State, Olivier Dussopt.

Are expected clarification on the goal set by Emmanuel Macron 50 000 job cuts for public employees of the State by 2024, arbitrations relating to the public service of the State known as “deconcentration” (services of the State in the region) and possible changes of rules for the senior civil service.

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Expected before the end of 2018, the draft law on bioethics, which is the extension of medically assisted procreation (PMA) to all women, will be discussed in the Parliament after the european elections, because of the congestion of the parliamentary timetable. According to the government spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, the text will be presented “in the beginning of the year” by the council of ministers, and Emmanuel Macron has promised to associations LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi, trans) that the measure would be enacted by 2019. After the protests against the marriage for all under the quinquennium Holland, this is a sensitive issue for the government.

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“Consolidate” the act of 1905

the Other about potentially undermined, the grooming of the 1905 law of separation of church and State must enable the “consolidate” to fit ” in the world to 2018 “, has argued recently, the minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner. With the goal to better organize and supervise the financing of islam in France.

Christophe Castaner has started consultations with the leaders of cults who need to take ” a few months “, before ” a translation of legislative drafting “. The schedule referred to in a draft bill that was “leaked” in the press in November, envisaged a text to the Parliament in early 2019. The document was to encourage the associations cultuelles to apply for a State label.

Read also FOG – Pity for secularism and the law of 1905 !

constitutional Reform

the revision of The constitution was first made for the costs of the case, Benalla, with a review that was suspended in July, and then postponed to January by Emmanuel Macron. The Prime minister Édouard Philippe announced that it would be postponed again, after the end of the great local debate launched to respond to the claims of the yellow Vests.

The constitutional reform provides for the abolition of the Court of justice of the Republic and the revision of the rules of filing amendments and the acceleration of procedures. Other provisions are included in the draft organic law and ordinary, including the limitation of cumulation to three terms identical in time and the introduction of a dose of a 15% proportional. The 30% reduction in the number of parliamentarians is one of the points of friction between the executive and the Senate, dominated by the right, and without which the adoption of the reform is impossible.

Read also The constitutional reform to the Assembly in January 2019

On the same subject The three challenges of Emmanuel Macron to 2019


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