It sounds like of course A woman should be able to decide who she sleeps with, and with which man she gets when children and how many. Women should have access to the contraceptives that you want to take, and treated, if infected with a sexually transmitted disease. And you should have access to a good supply when you are pregnant. All of these are according to the United Nations basic rights of women. However, in many Parts of the world sexual self-determination is not yet a matter of course.

hundreds of millions of women still experience violence in the relationship, rarely have contraceptives available, or be forced to be married. This is one of the world’s population report of the United Nations population Fund (UNFPA), which has now been published (UNFPA-world population report in 2019). The Figures in the report show that the Situation in the past 50 years – as long as there is the UNFPA is already significantly improved. In order to achieve the sustainable development goals, to which the United Nations have agreed to, had to do a lot. The results at a Glance:

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214 million women and girls worldwide have no access to modern contraceptives.

In developing countries, every fourth woman of childbearing age has. no access to effective contraceptives such as the pill, the coil or condoms Renate Bähr, managing Director of the German Foundation for world population, the German Partner of the UNFPA world population report, calls that had to change. After all, the Situation has improved in the past 50 years is clear: in 1969, had only two percent of women in developing countries access to contraceptives.

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By 44 percent, has decreased the maternal mortality rate between 1990 and 2015 worldwide.

it is also Positive that the maternal mortality rate is declining. Less women die from childbirth. Alone, between 1994 and 2015, the maternal mortality rate per 100,000 live took births significantly-from 832 at 436. For comparison: In the most developed regions, the number of deaths decreased from 22 to twelve per 100,000 live births. The report also pointed out, however, that in all the regions studied, progress has been made, but these have many benefits a low-income population is significantly less than the Rest of the population.

a Day to die still more than 800 women from the consequences of a pregnancy or birth. “We must set ourselves against those forces that want us to catapult back in time, in the women in reproductive decisions, and also in all other areas of life hardly say had,” says Natalia Kanem, the Executive Director of UNFPA. This also includes the time before the equal rights article of the basic law, belongs to, in this country, for example.

is A crucial factor that influences maternal mortality, whether Pregnant women and women are cared for after birth by trained professionals such as midwives, birth sisters or Doctors. In many developing countries, especially in rural areas, that does not happen often, because trained staff is lacking.

The report also shows that between 2010 and 2015, invested many of the governments of this world in the training of medical personnel, even if the measures were strongly location-dependent. Apart from health staff, most of the governments of this world have encouraged further measures, such as access to contraceptives or safe abortion (see chart).

In Europe were taken between 2010 and 2015, comparatively less new measures. The reason is that there have been in the industrial Nations, already in 2010, a good supply for Pregnant women, as well as education, write the authors of the report.

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About 35 million women, girls and young people in need of alone in the year 2019, the life-saving services for sexual and reproductive health, as well as programmes to combat gender-based violence.

the term sexual violence physical acts that take place without the consent of the person Concerned. This includes rape, coercion or sexual abuse of children. In war – or disaster areas is particularly problematic. Millions of women have neither the ability to prevent unwanted pregnancies, to give birth safely.

The target population Fund UNFPA is that all the people in the world have access to contraception, and that preventable maternal mortality is Zero, and that violence against women and girls is disappearing. The closer, write to the experts, however, you need more money – for example, in the framework of the development cooperation of the industrial Nations.


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