The nature can’t speak for themselves. You will be attacked, requires them to be advocates, defenders, fighters. But what happens when, of all things, this look, suddenly, as a supposed accomplice?

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), was accused in March by the online magazine Buzzfeed News violently. Ranger, with which the organization worked in Asia and Africa, are supposed to have committed in nature conservation areas of crimes: torture, abuse, even death, victims may be accused of. On complaints of the WWF should not have responded sufficiently (TIME no 12/19). It was only after the Buzzfeed-has commissioned a Report to WWF International, a London-based law firm, the cases elucidate. Actually, as a matter of course that happened but it was only under the pressure of publication. And until it is with the enlightenment so far, will take months.

in contrast, the German section of WWF acted. They dedicated in March, the former Commissioner of the Federal government Commissioner for human rights, Markus Löning. He should analyze whether and how the structures and processes that encourage such cases. You could also say: how such a thing could happen. For Wednesday of this week, his report was announced to the “human rights due diligence processes,” the conservation organization. The TIME was able to see it in advance.

The nearly 50-page paper for nature protection of the interior and conservationist. A core finding: Often, the mechanisms were missing simply. So it was not ensured that the risk assessment of unit processes and systematically. Complaints will not be investigated the same everywhere effectively. “The rules for dealing with human rights issues in principle,” writes human rights Commissioner, “but there is no Central document that records how you will look and be implemented.” Good will may be present, but he alone is not enough.

other international organisations and transnational corporations. In 2011, the United Nations have made it clear: you are all set for the observance of human rights in the regions of responsibility, in which they are active. With this responsibility, at any place, with any Partner, in cooperation with the various governments – to do it until today. It Know-how, time and money are missing. The expert Löning says: “The WWF is in this regard, a very typical example.”

This article dates back to the TIME no 19/2019. Here you can read the entire issue.

If the business asserts the leading Board of the WWF Germany Eberhard Brandes, now, “we have nothing to hide”, he must in the future to measure improvements In the next two years, the Germans want to implement all the proposals of human rights Commissioner – to be within the global network at the forefront.

environmentalists must not turn a blind eye to human rights. This is trivial. Difficult it will be to make from good intention to good practice.

read a detailed analysis of the report in TIME ONLINE


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