
Adele Neuhauser celebrated on the 17th. January 60. Birthday

©ARD/Kerstin Schomburg

Adele Neuhauser celebrated on the 17th. January 60. Birthday. In Athens, Greece-born Austrian actress was established in 2011 as Bibi Fellner on the side of Moritz Eisner (Harald Krassnitzer) in the Austro-“crime scene”. But long before she played in the Sunday murder mystery fans hearts, they conquered as Julie Zirbner in the unusual crime series “Four women and a funeral” (since 2005) of the audience. Speaking of which, your 60. Weigh-in festival the audience will also play a big role.

“My birthday, I’ll celebrate with my son and his Band Edi Nulz in a joint appearance. We are currently back on Tour,” said Adele Neuhauser. What does that mean exactly? “I read a biography out of my car ‘I was my greatest enemy’ and the boys will accompany me with their great music,” she explains and adds: “So the best way to celebrate a birthday.” Her son, Julian Pajzs (30), came in Weilheim, Bavaria, to the world, and jazz musician and film composer.

What is the 60 means. Birthday?

birthdays are often imaginary turning points, even for Adele Neuhauser. “I can’t deny that the 60 is a angel for me point,” she says of the transmitter. “Views, and particularly to the front, I have done over the years, almost on a regular basis. The 60 is for me the Crossing of an imaginary border,” she explains. “Hopefully, a limit, after which everything becomes easier.”

the new “crime scene: True lies” from Austria will be broadcast shortly before her birthday, incidentally, is no coincidence. The idea came from the program Manager and was a real Surprise for the actress, because: “I knew That. I look forward and am of course very flattered,” says Neuhauser.



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