Today is Monday all day. If you have worked hard to get out of bed, dreading the week that is coming up, consuélese thinking of those six guys as the six letters that this night will play his skin, and the our, two-hour slog to the hair in front of 200 cameras and behind a lectern orthopedic. I am referring to the gentlemen candidates for president, that select club of men. They are estresaditos alive. And more having been raised yesterday with the surveys, giving each his own by up, down and through the center. Just so it is understood that the citizens Albert Rivera, who according to polls is you can go with another absolute majority of its exvotantes, decided to create a video plan, Nuria Roca in Waku-Waku (millennial, see Wikipedia) introducing us to a dog called Luke as their secret weapon for the debate, and serving me the title on a platter. If you don’t love them, animals.

the candidates, I say. In the background, despite the testosterone that handling, have not killed the child within themselves. It is assumed that Rivera went up to Luke to Instagram looking for the viral effect of perretes and gatetes to regain prominence after leave Joined to the brown of the rallies and the debate of the support band while he is held to prepare the decisive. Bingo.

More than the box of Pandora, Rivera opened the Ark of Noah in full. The VOX, crecidísimos by the megasorpasso of the surveys, we ran out of time to mark packets by taking Santiago Abascal posing with a tiger and Ortega Smith galloping and cutting the wind on the back of a horse, or jaco —don’t go accuse me of hembrismo— with music of western background. The most elegant, as always, Adriana Lastra, who suggested that Rivera take it to Luke to take care of the stall that leads to the debates. If you are not the center of the board, Rivera recovered the choteo.

The campaign pure and simple is less fun. Tell that to Aitor Esteban of PNV, which between Espinosa de los Monteros, calling him racist and Ortega Smith threatening to ilegalizarlo live, takes a few days of mule, that until he has twisted his proverbial smile a jesuit. By the way that could have come out in their support a constitutionalist when the Vox —among all the boosted and they alone grew— he pointed with the finger. But they came well none at this time. Better when you pass the debate, or the election, or the legislature, because, as you are leaving the blocks in the polls, like for this trip there was no need for saddlebags.

Until then, we will have you entertained with the prior discussion. The arrival choreographed to the Field House. The perched at the photocall of yore. The semiotics of the ties or in his absence The question of whether the candidates will or not accompanied by their partners —a few, and how many, do we fantasize about a specific, and whoever denies, is lying— to give them encouragement. The curiosity of who will be their entourages. Crap. All against Sanchez. Sanchez against all of and the survey. And more than one praying, you know, asking virgencita, virgencita, that left me as I was.


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