As a future CIA chief Allen DULLES met with Lenin

History 12/03/20 As a future CIA chief Allen DULLES met with Lenin

In our country the name of Allen DULLES from 1953 to 1961 head of the General intelligence service of the USA, describes a notorious enemy. DULLES is credited with a treacherous secret plans of the decomposition and collapse of the Soviet Union, allegedly made during the “perestroika”, and many other smaller providers.

Allen DULLES came from a family, many members of which occupied prominent positions in the diplomatic service of the United States. Thus, the grandfather of DULLES on his mother, John Watson foster, was in 1880-1883 he Ambassador to Russia. Allen DULLES graduated from Princeton University he joined the diplomatic service. It was during the First world war in which the United States did not initially participate. At the later recognition DULLES, his work was directly connected with the tasks of intelligence. DULLES was behind the creation of a centralized intelligence organization of the USA and gave her the theoretical and practical grounds activities.

the Version of Nikolai Yakovlev

the Russian audience about the meeting between DULLES and Lenin in Switzerland told the KGB, who also wrote books on historical themes, Nikolai Yakovlev. In the re-release of his book “August 1, 1914”, published in 1993, it is without reference to the source recounted an episode from the biography of DULLES:

“It resident of American intelligence in Switzerland, was overcome by emigrants from different countries… Among others, the reception at DULLES at the end of 1916 sought, very insistently, a Russian. He once again came into foster DULLES. The slightly open door, an American in a slit saw strong bald man with a reddish beard, impatiently Marauder feet room. DULLES shivered again, talking about money is boring. And youth took its course, didactically graduated from the Dalles the story of the 50-ies., “I was waiting for a game of tennis with a lovely lady.” He strongly preferred a society communicate with a bald headVym Russian, shut the door, and went to court, forever losing the opportunity to become personally acquainted with Lenin. Morality was emphasized by DULLES: never in such circumstances to refuse anyone admission”.

the Episode is described by Yakovlev, obviously, for Western sources, but highly distorted. What about actually writing Western authors?

Error Yakovlev

first, the “resident of American intelligence in Switzerland,” DULLES at that time can be called a stretch. And no “receiving” person from DULLES was not, he was still an ordinary officer of the Embassy. Secondly, the event in question, was not the end of 1916 and April 1917, on the eve of the departure of Lenin from Switzerland through Germany to Russia. Moreover, that DULLES himself at the end of 1916 were still not in Switzerland, and at the American Embassy in Austria. Thirdly, Lenin had personally come to DULLES, and called him on the phone. Fourth, Yakovlev silent about what they knew of Western readers: Lenin was in regular contact with the U.S. Consul General in Zurich by James Mak-Nelly and supplied him with information (for a fee, of course). However, on Russian language sources, which will be discussed, not published until now.

version of the biographers of the DULLES

British journalist Leonard Mosley in his book “DULLES: a biography of Eleanor, Allen and John foster DULLES and their family network” says, in the words of DULLES that on Easter Sunday, 8 April 1917, Allen DULLES was on duty employees of the U.S. Embassy in Bern. The bell rang, and DULLES heard someone in bad German introduced himself: “Lenin”. The name DULLES had already heard, but it was not in favor of its owner: Lenin here not distinguished from the other loony Russian revolutionary exiles.

Lenin regularly conveyed to the Consul Mak-Nelly some information about the Russian revolutionary community and its own analysis of the international and Russian political situation. But the Americans in the diplomatic corps SugAli statements and forecasts Lenin is so unimportant that not even always passed them on to Washington.

Lenin asked me to take him because he supposedly has information that is extremely important interest for the United States. DULLES, who wanted to leave the Embassy early for a game of tennis with a girl named Helen Herzog, advised Lenin to come the next day morning, after the opening of the office. Not listening to the worried statements of the Russian that tomorrow will be too late, DULLES put down the phone. DULLES later life cited this as his biggest mistake of the scout.

Peter Grose in his book “Gentleman spy: life of Allen DULLES” results in a variant that differs from those described only in the details. However, he drew attention to this fact: the American Embassy in Vienna, in connection with the Declaration of war between the United States and the Central powers (6 April 1917), was evacuated in Bern. DULLES officially started in Bern only on April 23. It is known, however, that DULLES regularly visited Bern in March 1917. But no explanation of these facts Grose does not offer.

the Sensational investigation: the United States sent Lenin to Russia?

to Reveal the inconsistencies of the official versions of tried writer, is the author of several historical investigations (including the assassination of John Kennedy) George Michael Evika. In the book “Unshakable confidence: the sacrifice of Lee Harvey Oswald and how US intelligence agencies have manipulated religious groups during the cold war,” he confidently assumes that DULLES, in March-April 1917 had been in Shuttle trips between Bern, Zurich and Vienna. He was therefore able to personally meet with Lenin during this period, anywhere outside the Embassy. The story with the call and the refusal was coined by DULLES to conceal his involvement in sending Lenin in a sealed train through Germany to Russia.

DULLES, according to Miki, could not fail to be aware of Lenin’s position against the war. Otherwise it would mean his cryingsuitable incompetence as an employee of the Embassy for the processing of classified information. It means that DULLES largely responsible for what happened with Russia and the world as a result of this event. Of course, DULLES was not acting on his own initiative, as he was too minor a figure in the moment.

Conclusion: facilitating the arrival of Lenin with his defeatist slogans in Russia to the detriment of the cause of the allies was action coming from the leadership of the United States. The US fought against Germany any game that is different from partnerships with Britain, France and Russia. This background has, in fact, no matter how and when DULLES met with Lenin.

it only Remains incomprehensible why Lenin was in this Sunday afternoon arrived in Bern, if he lived constantly in zürich and had contact with the Consul Mak-Nelly. Of course, if this ridiculous episode is completely fictional DULLES to avert from himself and his superiors suspected the worst.

Yaroslav Butakov

© Russian Seven

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