Under the ice of Greenland, a 30-kilometre-wide impact crater, which probably came from an asteroid. The hit probably about 12,000 years ago on earth, reports a Team of geologists from the University of Kansas. They had discovered the crater beneath a meters-thick layer of ice of the Hiawatha glacier, in the North-Western part of the island, as they analysed data for a Nasa project. Your Fund describe in the current issue of the journal Science Advances (Kjær, Paden et al., 2018).

About 80 percent of Greenland is covered by an ice sheet. The island has many glaciers. It is therefore regarded as a good model to study climate change. For climate researchers to observe and researchers to the decline of the ice and take soil samples. The first hints of the crater, the researchers discovered the researchers, as they gathered between 1996 and 2014 in several flights over the glacier region with the use of measuring devices such as laser scanners and radar systems data for the Nasa’s program for regional climate changes. In 2016, they supplemented the data with additional, you captured directly on the glacier with a self-developed Sonar and radar system.

Finally, make sure the hole under the ice to be an impact crater, they were but only as they compared the previously obtained data with satellite imagery, said John Paden, one of the authors of the study and a Professor of electronics and computer science at the University of Kansas. “What’s funny is that before any of the round crater structure under the ice is noticed,” he says. The crater from a certain altitude to be seen clearly.

celestial body celestial body: Asteroid

asteroids are small rock objects, which move on an orbit around the sun. Your Name astēr (“star”) with the extension of an oath (“similar”) – describes that you appear to be like stars, because they are so small.

Together with the meteoroids, and comets asteroids are one of the small bodies of the solar system. Small body orbiting the sun, but do not have spherical shape. Their mass and gravity is too low to make this Form.

the majority of The asteroids in our solar system is located in the so-called asteroid belt, a collection of asteroids and dwarf planets between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.


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