The attorney General has in the current year, mainly with Islamist-motivated terrorism: 231 new investigations in this area. Much less the authority, with headquarters in Karlsruhe has determined to be right-wing extremist crimes (15 cases), even less to left-wing extremism (five procedures). This is evident from the answer of the Federal Ministry of justice on a Small request of several of the AfD’s Deputy in the Bundestag, which is present the German press Agency. The Figures reflect the situation from the 10. July to resist.

in order for a Trend of previous years continues. While there were between 2014 and 2016, in each case less than one hundred new processes and Islamic terrorism, increased the number of 2017 leaps to 1048 and sank 2018 884. In the same period, there were to the Right – or left-wing extremism, in each case never more than 15 new cases per year.

Therefore, there is more method to Islamist terrorism

A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of justice, explained: “The large increase of investigations by the Federal is bar with reference to Islamist terrorism starting in the year 2016, in particular with the situation in Syria and Iraq and the crimes of the so-called ‘Islamic state’.”

right-wing extremist Background? Attorney General determines, in the case of Lübcke

So there are more suspects, but also victims of the terrorist militia who are in this country. People from Germany, the fighting in Syria or Iraq, are also returned.

Many of the suspects were accused in the asylum procedure in Germany, the spokesman said. Ongoing investigations in Germany may help someone to not be deported so easily.

AfD speaks of a lack of problematisation

The AfD in the Bundestag, Stephan Brandner, who is also the Chairman of the judiciary Committee, said: “I conclude that, contrary to official pronouncements, a wave of immigration of suspected Islamist terrorists has taken place, what has not been problematized to some extent.” The focus of the extremism-fighting should be in the Islamism.

The attorney General is the top law enforcement authority in the area of state protection. He determined, in the case of politically motivated crime and terrorism. Also, for espionage, and Offences against the law of Nations, he is responsible.

mik / REUTERS topics in this article, terrorism Germany terrorism, Federal Ministry of justice AfD extremism focus on Syria, Iraq and Karlsruhe, the German Bundestag, Deutsche Presse-Agentur New policy of Violent attacks TV debate of the US Democrats: The favorite is Joe had Biden quite different DPA introduced to display a star journey of the worlds Sicily in the spring with flight and half Board from € 899,- #Lost trump history Donald Trump wants to distinguish themselves with “9/11″statements – but Twitter will respond with photo montages and mocking of the US Mission in the Gulf, foreign Minister Maas United States rejected the DPA Nazi pictures sent To Whatsapp messages: Daimler-Chef takes a stand against right-wing agitation DPA länder risk-of-Poverty: as different As the odds of Bavaria to Bremen state Parliament election of Thuringia election: Left in the survey for the first time, the strongest power – before the AfD and CDU protests in Hong Kong With this simple Trick to defuse protesters tear gas grenades government loyal channel Donald Trump fears, allegedly, that “Fox News” is no longer behind him, From Niels Kruse ARD report, “Squandering of national assets”: the accusations against Seehofer and Söder due to land asylum-seekers purchase A year anchor centers: CSU celebrates success, opponents are calling for the abolition DPA 40 new Levels of Mahjong – free to play! Burkhard Jung play “To the gallows with you” – one of Leipzig’s WHETHER threats published after the pork debate, Asap Rocky American Rapper in Sweden, incarcerated: U.S. sent experts for hostage-taking, DPA, coercion, and Usurpation court sentenced AfD-the city Council on the motorway as a police officer speech in Jamestown listener output interrupts Trump: “Mr. President, you can not send back” Strait of Hormuz USA ask for military aid – why Germany (again) reject dpa’s speech in Jamestown member of Parliament is to protest Trump’s speech and from the hall of the AFP brought the analysis to Racist attacks Donald Trump in the campaign mode, strips off the last restraints of decency from Niels Kruse +++ Trump-Ticker +++ Pastor Al Sharpton, Donald Trump: “I am the least racist Person in the whole world,” AFP ceremony in the White house, Trump welcomes first responders to the 11 September 2001, and commends itself By Marc Drewello Exclusive trade Union, “centre automobile” Zoff to Nazi Postings and hate-messages in the main plant of Daimler’s Hans-Martin Tillack


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