Many sailing schools offer special license rates, some providers have specialized in the ticket aspirants in a compact weekend seminars in a beautiful area to prepare for the exam. The various licences and certificates issued by the German sailing Association (DSV), build on each other.

For beginners: SBF and SBF lake

The sport boat driving licence, divided into the travel areas of Inland and sea, is the first, and most important, permission to control a boat. Starting at the age of 14 young people who want to navigate on the Inland waterways and waters, a sailing boat with a maximum of 15 metres in length under the engine can take, the examination for the “Spobo Single”. Junior motor yacht skipper must be 16 years old.

short seminars to prepare for the theory test, which includes three main topics: inland waterway transport law, seamanship and management of a vehicle. The theoretical examination is made, is usually followed at the beginning of the new season, the practical examination on Board. In addition to the usual maneuvers, such as Dropping a rescue you must maneuver shown, in addition, the auditor must satisfy himself that the most important nodes sit.

Who needs the SBF Internal: Anyone with more than 15 HP on inland waters. In addition, the driver’s licence is required, sometimes with the participation in regattas.

Who needs the SBF lake, All with more than 15 HP in coastal waters. The licence applies within the Three-mile Zone and in the waters within a Twelve nautical mile Zone off the coast. Only the one who has Spobo lake, in a next step, the higher coastal sailing certificates. Unlike the SBF Internal candidates must be on the SBF lake in the examination of a minimum of 16 years old.

For Advanced users: sports coastal certificate (SKS)

Who seriously want to sail, needs, in addition to the Spobo the sport coast shipping license, SKS abbreviated. Before that must meticulously be miles book, because who wants to sign up for the exam, you must at least have 300 miles on the clock.

In the theoretical examination will be queried for basic navigational knowledge in the context of a map task and basic knowledge in tidal customer, the practical examination comprises the complete Know-how on Board of a sailing yacht in coastal areas with up to twelve nautical miles distance from the coast. Many Charter company request as proof of qualifications to the SBF in combination with the SKS.

Who needs the SKS: All of which are close to the coast with a sailing yacht or have a Yacht Charter want.

For experts: Sportseeschifferschein (SSS)

The next higher stage is the “SSS”, the driving license for a Skipper in coastal marine waters within a 30-mile Zone to the mainland. Anyone who registers for the examination must be sailed in its miles book, or by the written confirmation of the Skippers of at least 1000 nautical miles as a watch captain or Co-Skipper.

The theoretical examination and includes the four subject areas of Navigation, seamanship, Maritime law and meteorology. In the practical test, the prospective Skipper needs to show that he can also handle the Radar.

Who needs the SSS: Binding of the sports sea shipping license is required only for those who are as a professional Skipper commercial or sport boats.

For deep-sea sailors: sports high lake dumper ticket (SHS)

More can’t – at least, if it is a in Germany, issued new to sailing. Who has the SHS in the bag, can the world go on a big journey. However, the SHS for sailors is recommended for indoor and sailors, the plan, for example, a long trip across the Atlantic in the Caribbean, only officially, but not required.

As with the SSS, there is no practical examination, but a very complex theoretical test in the areas of Navigation, Maritime law and meteorology are described in detail queried. SHS-candidate must be able to astronomical Navigation with the Sextant handle familiar, you should also master the basics of the international law of the sea.

Who needs the SHS: the only professional Skipper in the world. But who wants to explore distant areas, can acquire the Buffalo for a very wide range of technical knowledge.

For the communication: radio testimonials of the UBI, SRC, and LRC

The Result of a Yacht is the right radio testimony is almost as important as the sailing permit. Shippers, the UBI will need a shortened radio certificate. Who would like to participate in the VHF Maritime mobile or a boat with a radio system wants to Charter, the certificate SRC (Short Range Certificate), regardless of whether the radio is used or not.

Who has the SRC, it is allowed to participate in the global Maritime distress and safety system, GMDSS. At all frequencies, and via satellite, only Skipper, have the more elaborate LRC (Long Range Certificate) are allowed to communicate. Who is taking this test successfully, at the same time has also managed the SRC.


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