children are unwanted. Because not want to hold a wedding-Packed Couple, flew with his two children from the Party. As the bride-to-be at 20. December 2018, wrote on the Online platform Reddit, it was their explicit desire to celebrate the wedding party with no children. Already in the invitation, you have asked your guests to leave the offspring at home, or to leave after the Ceremony to pick up. A guest, apparently a longtime friend of the bride’s family, did not do this however and wanted to stay with her husband, a toddler and a Baby. The tasted of the bride and groom, however, not at all. And the handles hard.
After a long discussion: wedding guests p> after Right or wrong? User in the network, divided Mixed the grid were reactions to the eviction of the family. “If you want to have no children, you ought to invite any parents,” find a User. Another praised the decision of the bride and groom. To bring “the children to an adult party, especially a wedding, is never okay. Who can’t find a Babysitter, you should log off to stay at home, and the bride and groom a gift.” Where the wedding party took place without children, is not known. sources: Reddit Thread