Apparently, it was the Thesis that women had in the Job is more stressed than their male colleagues in comparable positions. Because whether and, if so, why that is the case, researched the Teams of the University of Manchester and the Institute for Social and Economic Research the UK’s Essex University. Their study confirmed the Hypothesis and showed that working moms are 18 percent more stressed than other women without children and men. Mothers with two children up to 40 per cent. The investigation took place by means of eleven indicators for chronic Stress, including blood pressure and hormones, with 6025 women. In the survey, information about the life and readings of the stress response.

Health effects due to Stress

“again, the stress of repeated events, resulting from a combination of social and environmental stressors, as well as big traumatic life events lead to chronic Stress, which in turn has an impact on health,” said Professor Kumari from the Institute at Essex University. It was found that neither Working from home nor the sliding time have an effect on the stress factor of women, the reduction of working hours has a positive impact.

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Professor Michaela Benzeval, Director of the Institute, said that flexible working had to be practices to allow mothers a more satisfactory Work-Life Balance, which would result in less conflict between family and career.

Rae Cooper, Professor of Gender, labor and employment relations at the University of Sydney, made it clear that the mother be a challenge for all women is that complexity is but for working mothers is higher. The Australian newspaper stressed that the present Generation is under more pressure than any other: to be the perfect mother for your children, and to work on the other hand, as hard as you kätten no children. In addition, often the lack of job security, which can worsen the Situation and Stress for the women.

Other studies

Dr. Let was part of the team of the HILDA surveys, which deal, inter alia, with the personal well-being of people in a household study, the surveys showed that women after the birth of the first child to take a much more in the household than men. Married couples prior to getting from the start to share the work, the investigations showed, however, that the dynamics in the household deteriorated with increasing growth of the children.

“women need to find ways to connect domestic work, care work and paid work, while men focus more on your employment. I think that this is in direct connection with the fact that women feel more stressed out,” says Dr. Lass. In addition, the gender pay gap, the contributions more often than not, men were carrying out their Job, while the women stayed home with the kids.

sources: “Times Now News” / “The Guardian” / “The Sydney Morning Herald”



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