Friday, May 17, 2024

Biodiversity: What are Germany’s bees are dying

In Bavaria have around 900,000 citizens of the people's initiative, signed the diversity of species – you want to stop dying by means of several Modifications of the Bavarian nature conservation act, the Insects and the diversity of species to save. Come...

8 Office Tips & Tricks to Keep Your Workspace Clutter-Free

We all know how an untidy workspace can negatively affect both the atmosphere and the productivity of the whole collective, but when the time for tidying-up comes, nobody accepts the job with pleasure. Luckily for you, we have prepared a list of tips &...

Species diversity: One Million species threatened with extinction

The number of species that are gone forever from this earth, is rising with frightening speed. Responsible for this new mass, the human civilization is extinct. This was the result of the Global Assessment Report, the most comprehensive international survey of the...

U.S. urged to respond to “excessive” oil production of Russia and Saudi Arabia

U.S. urged to respond to "excessive" oil production of Russia and Saudi Arabia
A letter with the requirements directed to the Secretary of state Mike Pompeo

Plant protection products: approval of glyphosate to the end of the year extended

The Federal office for consumer protection and food safety (BVL) has, up to the end of the year. The Federal government had announced its intention to in the future on the controversial herbicide without. So to apply according to the will of...