Sunday, May 19, 2024

Standing desks: How healthy is the change between Sitting and Standing

standing desks in the office daily and often unhealthy long periods of time Sitting of workers shorten. This in turn improves their performance and increases your well-being, report scientists in the journal "British Medical Journal". Whether the increased Are also health benefits,...

Happiness Atlas 2018: the research measures the well-being of

the WORLD: for Decades no longer applied in the research on Happiness, the phrase that money increases above a certain amount the well-being. U.S. researchers have refuted this in a recent study. Money makes you happy? Kai Ludwig: The assumption...

Spahns proposal for midwives: Coming soon the Bachelor?

The midwife training should be reformed in the Future births of studied women and men. Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), said the Newspapers of the Funke media group: "in the Future, you will be in a dual course of study...

Apollo 8: When man discovered the back side of the moon

Completely detached, without any connection to the earth, chasing the "Apollo 8" behind the moon along. Only the sound of the deep space penetrates now listeners from the speakers and the head, in the space ship and control center. Down in Houston,...

Rare earth: So you fished them out of the electronics garbage

e-waste contains valuable metals such as Gold, copper or Rare earths, which are, as yet, hardly been used. From the circuit boards and components in Smartphones, LED and energy - saving lamps or computers that are available in pure back, a complicated...