Saturday, July 27, 2024

Schleswig-Holstein: Kiel is a great resort!

There is not a lot of fun, from a public office to withdraw. But sometimes it's the only option, and sometimes you even find that you can no longer live in his home town. But such things happen. And has given me...

Hygiene on travel: For Germ phobia sufferers airports are the Horror

you Will also to the Monk, when it comes to germs in public transport? It was this forced eurotic TV-Detective with a fear of bacteria, viruses and the like. Fittingly, he also had to find time Donald Trump in the...

Chile: The Atacama is a desert of bizarre beauty

Nach der Landung auf dem Mond – die Einfahrt nach Bonanza: Bereits eine halbe Stunde vor der Landung in der nordchilenischen Minenstadt Calama war das Flugzeug über eine riesige, wellig aufgeworfene Fläche von sandigem Rotbraun geglitten, gesprenkelt von Wolkenfetzen. ...

Canary Islands: Hiking on La Gomera sounded strange whistles

"Since we still have quite a bit in front of us," says Julien Gsell. The Frenchman shows his wife Claire on the wall map of the remaining part of the present-day day's March. Actually, there are not many kilometers. La...

Diesel affair: Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt will examine the latest Opel models

The week the group launched the Opel-bad. On Monday morning, investigators were searched in front of the factory gates, the company was for a Exhaust for diesel vehicles. Then, the Federal Ministry of transport out sent a Amour press release is "imminent...