The consumer organisations are calling for a new, state-organized offer for a private pension. So far, there is mostly expensive, and hardly profitable, and inflexible insurance, particularly the insurance industry.

Allow people more money in old age, is a cost-effective and profitable investment is crucial, said the head of the consumer center Federal Association (vzbv), Klaus Müller, the German press Agency. The Association is advertising for some time for a new standard product, and has now submitted a more accurate concept of a so-called “extra pension”.

workers to pay automatically through your employer in the Pension – unless you disagree. Possible deposits to be for the self-employed. A public carrier is to then hire on invitations to tender, private Fund Manager, the money in the capital market to invest, especially in equities. In the long term, higher yield could be achieved, says the vzbv. The organization of the public carrier to reduce costs compared to for-profit companies. Cost of sales accounted for.

The Federal government is now in demand, said Association chief Müller. A draft law is yet to come this year, could consumers for impairment losses as of 2024, with an “extra pension”.

The concept is that deposits of employees should be flexible about between five and several Hundred euros a month. The height should also be constantly changing. In a “basic version” is to be provided for four percent of the gross income as a monthly Deposit. The money is to 49. Age be fully invested in stocks, which means higher risks but also higher expected return. After this step should be redeployed in the not-so-strongly fluctuating systems. Distributed the “extra pension” then, by Fund shares sold piece by piece and have the appropriate money on a monthly basis is paid off.

About the future of security in old age is currently discussed in an expert Commission of the Federal government. In addition to the statutory pension to company and private pensions. A General Problem for private Pension provision offers, the persistently low interest rates.



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